Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mahabaleshwar Day 2

We left in the morning for Panchgani. On the way, we took halt at two places. At one place there was a very nice farm of sugarcane, Strawberry, Mulberry etc. And also there was a garden of flowers. Looking at the structure of the farm and the garden I missed my Farmville on facebook. :D

Next halt was at a garden cum food center. We left again with a lot of photography and my favorite strawberry with cream. Then we took a guide to watch the places or rather “points” (the word often used there) at Panchgani.

We saw Parsi point at where I was extremely happy after seeing the nature. The view was like a nature picture we would draw in school. It had all – river, mountains, farms, farm-houses, all greenery, sky with all the colors and the sun. The perfect view.

Then we visited around 4 points which were the same as above Parsi point but with different angles. :-s That time we felt we were cheated. Anyway, not to lose the charm of the trip, we moved to the river which we saw in the view of Parsi point. It was not a single river but the meeting point of two rivers – Krushna and Savitri. And it was awesome. There we did speed boating which was again the best thing of the day. I loved it.

Then we went to a temple of Vaai – Mahaganpati Temple. The specialty of the temple is that the Ganpati Idol decreases in height by an inch every year. :D Anyway, the temple was good. The eyes of the idol were watching something on the roof of the temple. I asked someone there. But nobody made any story out of it. :P
Then we moved to Table-land. It is the most well-known place of the Panchgani. There we saw some points again like foot stamps of Pandavas, Pandava cave, one-tree point, shooting point, palankhet (a town from the movie Raja Hindustani), Asha Bhosle’s hotel, etc. These people have made all the places related to some movie or some film-star as different points. Nice Strategy of business. The good example of it was – one tree point. There was only one tree on Table land, and hence that was one-tree point. There were 2-3 more trees on other side of table land. When I asked the guide about it, he simply ignored. :P

Whatever it was – I enjoyed. I liked to see all the points/places. We also did lot of shopping of eatables like strawberry crush, some chikkis, honey etc. I also bought a slingshot there. :D

Mahabaleshwar – Day 1

{I wrote it on Tuesday)

Yipeee! I got a long vacation, after so long, after 7 months. First 2 days went in shopping. Not for me. My shopping longed for half an hour and I bought 2 jeans. That is all about shopping. Rest was too much boring as my extra perfect NRI sister was doing it for herself. :P

Third day Monday I spent the day the way I wanted to. I read “Two States”. This book deserves different blog post.

Today is Tuesday and I’m in Mahabaleshwar now. We came here today early morning. We left yesterday night. We have booked a car. So it is not a tiring trip till now. Ok, I’ll start from the start. We left yesterday night by car. I missed a crazy thing yesterday. Our driver’s some calculations went wrong and the diesel in the car went completely empty. We’d have had to push the car till a petrol pump comes. But diesel finished just in front of the petrol pump. And we didn’t have to push the car at all. Otherwise it’d have been a fun to start the trip with such a crazy thing. ;) So I can say now that our driver’s calculations were too much perfect. ;)

Anyway, after this start I don’t remember when I slept. I got up only when certain chaos was started. 2-3 agents were fighting with each other so that we will go with one of them to get the lodge. It was 5.30 in the morning. Somehow, my dad, our driver and those agents (whom we ditched after some time :D) discussed something and we got some room in some hotel. Now I got up completely. It was so cold here in the morning that the thought of getting ready to go out to see Mahabaleshwar was difficult to swallow. But I got to sleep after that too. Ok, if you (and I myself too) are bored of talks of my sleep then we will start with Mahabaleshwar. :D

Actually whatever the place is, I’m happy with 2 things - I got a break from work and I got to be there with humans for more time than with my office computer.

Anyway, again we’ll try to come to the topic of this post. :D So we started with Pratapgad. It is one of the nicest forts that I have seen so far. Though it is again a historical place, I enjoyed watching it. It has many specialties like its structure (a picture of which is there on 4th standard history book.) It is amazing to watch that. Its minor things like why the structure is made that way, for example why some doors are narrow, why 2 walls are parallel and near to each other etc; reasons behind them are intellectual. Shivaji Maharaj had used his brain nicely when he built these forts.

Next we came to Mahabaleshwar again, took a guide who will show us some good things of Mahabaleshwar and we started. He showed us some small features like a 40 feet tall cactus, a post-office and a club of British’s age. These guides have a nice strategy of telling about each and every minor thing they get to see. Anyway, his continuous talk kept us stirring, that was good. Or if he wouldn’t have talked then there was the nature which would have kept us awake. We were taking frequent halts to take snaps. Then with the help of the guide we visited 3 temples –Mahabaleshwar temple, Atibaleshwar temple and Panchaganga temple. Pachaganga temple has the launch of 5 rivers – Venna, Krushna, Koyna, Savitri, Gayatri. And it is through a Gomukh .

Then we watched hunter point, tiger spring, Malcum point, Arthur Seat point, Monkey point etc.

At tiger spring we drank the pure water which comes from under the ground and it runs for 24 hours, 365 days. It was sweet water. We drank it. My father started making statements like – “oh this pure water cured my stomach”. :P As usual. :D

We saw magic point where according to our guide, in April some pressure gets generated because of different patterns of air flow which make anything get thrown upward in the air even if you throw it in the valley. It is also called Arthur seat point is because some British named Arthur used to sit there. One day he threw a bottle from the top and bottle returned upwards. So he thought if he also jumps he’d come back. And he tried but didn’t come back. Hence it is also called Suicide point. Our guide called the same point as 3 points. Extra-smart!

Anyway, next was monkey point. We saw (could imagine :D) 3 monkey shaped stones which were resembling to Gandhiji’s 3 monkeys. So the name of the point is monkey point. We can believe it or just enjoy and forget.

We also watched Echo point. People were trying making different loud sounds. I didn’t get any echo there. :D

I and my sister also did a bit of horse riding. Not by ourselves. A guy helped us. It was one of the most liked things of the day. I really enjoyed it as I was doing it for the first time. I want to learn it.

Then roaming around the places of those points, taking snaps of monkeys, doing all photo sessions of ourselves with different poses, we returned back to our lodge. We got fresh, had dinner, ate Strawberry with cream twice ;) and then watched all the photography and now I’m here.

I’ll sleep soon. Tomorrow I have to get up to go to see some other points. ;) I’ll blog about them too.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

some quotes (not mine)

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. (Very true)

If you don't act on life, life has a habit of acting on you.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Der Aaye Durust Aaye....

Realizations; though late: ;)
1)I've started looking like a witch. :D
2)I run behind few things only because I don’t get them. I even don’t know whether I really want them.
3)Though Mental Strength is the one based on which we can count anyone’s strength, physical strength also matters; at the ultimate end though.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

*My* Thoughts

Everyone here defines what is good according to his perception, stamps on it and keeps babbling about it.

Everyone has to suffer in a relation; one or other way; some or other time. If no-one is suffering/complaining in case of yours, congratulations! Your good days are going on. If it continues forever then either you give proper space to each other, don’t expect from each other or simply you don’t want to be with each other. :P

Some people think they are fulfilling the environment around them with joy. But it’s not true always. They can be doing exactly opposite. It all depends on what you feel. If the person trying to fulfill the surrounding with joy feels he is doing it, then according to him he is doing it. If anyone is getting suffered, he is suffering.

Everything in life is all about what we feel. So whenever we are upset, why can’t we just take a reverse turn and change the way we think?

I always try to ask myself, whether what I’m doing is good or bad. But whatever I do, someone has to say I mistaken. And hence after that I keep wondering if what I did was really wrong. If everyone has defined good or bad according to his convenience, why should I bother what people say about anything? Anyhow I’m not going to suffice all.

De Dana Dan

Watched De dana dan! Couldn’t enjoy it though. Can’t keep my brain aside again and again.. and especially when it is a same concept.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Movies movies movies......

After watching 2 “Keep brain aside and enjoy” movies Ajab Prem ki Gajab Kahani and All The Best, I’m going to watch one more such movie.. De Dana Dan.. Let’s see how it is.

Ajab prem was good. Ranveer looks cool, especially in those pink, yellow colored shirts. But still looks bachcha! Cute bachcha.. Katrina as usual refreshes you with her looks and smile. Movie starts like a story told by grandfather. All unreal and filmy, but you can’t stop yourself from laughing, even if you are freak of only sensible and brain eating things.. It was somewhat like Tom&Jerry too. Just to make you laugh..

All The Best – As usual, ‘create problems and solve them doing funny things’ type of movie. Reminded of Golmal, Golmal was better though.

How many movies are coming in series that I want to see.. 3 Idiots, Paa. I’d like to see Pyaar impossible too; for Priyanka. She as usual looks awesome in promos. 2012 is pending. Before 3 Idiots I’d like to complete reading – 5 point someone. I remember I started reading it in 2nd year and I was so slow reader that I got bored of myself taking so much of time to read a book.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Add On..

If I compare this play of lives with our work; we are given a task. We do it. While doing we learn. Then after the task is finished we rest. There if we want we can do some reading. There also we learn. In both the states we learn. While doing task we are like we are in physical state. We feel pain, joy when we are physical state. And then while we are resting, we are renewing, sometimes summarizing the lessons of passed task. We regain energy and get prepared for next task. Same way spirits get prepared for next incarnation. The state of renewal is necessary. Tell all software companies’ CEOs to read this book. I have seen people in Amdocs, who have been leaving office at 1030, 1230 everyday. And they are doing this since a year or probably for years and years. Spirits will get ruined if they live in the same body for centuries. We need rest. Everyone needs to regain energy.

Many Lives Many Masters

Probably, you will like to read the book before reading this post. I couldn’t stop myself writing about it. I’ll recommend you to read the book first.

Just for a break, I read some other book than Harry Potter’s. And it is “Many Lives, Many Masters” - A different book. It reminded me of "The Secret". I have heard it, not read! ;) I watched movie. The Secret says that there is someone around us who hears our wishes and fulfills them for us. There is always a Gennie given to everyone. But The Secret has only one aspect – To be what we want to be, to have what we want to have.
But this book – Many Lives Many Masters has tried to cover all the aspects of life. Or say – Lives. :)

It starts with the problems of an ordinary girl. Then it goes to reincarnation. Then it goes to reincarnations. (We can’t forget the plurality of reincarnations in the last sentence.) Yes. There are many lives described. Then this book moves to life after death. Floating in the air, watching the bright light, gaining energy, learning from passed life, summarizing the lessons we learnt from this life and then finally, the Master comes in this life after death. The Master who helps the spirit to learn what it has to. This Master helps it to renew itself. This master finally shows this spirit the direction to move, to move into a different body. All spirits don’t have necessarily the same master. There are many such. And also, the same spirit doesn’t have to have the same master in all the lives after deaths. In fact, in every life you learn some different aspect. And we can say that every master is given one aspect to teach it to us. And there are guardians too. They are around us when we are alive i.e. when we are in physical state. And they are the ones who give you dreams, intuitions. Everyone should listen to these guardians. “Oh shit! I had thought this would happen. I don’t know why but I had thought it. I should have believed my thought.” This kind of sentences, some or other time, we keep saying. These are intuitions; given by guardians. We should not ignore them. They are for us.

One more thing that I want to mention which is given importance in this book is – "Learning". We are here to learn; to progress. We keep progressing. Even if we are sitting quiet, our mind, brain never stops. It progresses. Sometimes while sitting empty, we recollect things that happened in the past. With that we prepare insight for that thing. And thus learn it thoroughly.

By getting more and more knowledge we can go closer to God. This is the only way. Also, if we have knowledge, we have fewer fears. With knowledge one can overcome all his problems. Isn’t it true? If we compare this to our daily life issues, for example, if we are lost at some place; if we have knowledge about some geography of that place we can find out the way to know the place we are at. By getting more and more knowledge we become god-like. We become master. Masters are also spirits like us. But they are grown up; fully learnt.

This is all written in the book. I’m not sure whether one can really remember of his past lives. But I believe that we reincarnate. Whatever stuff is given in the book, if we accept once, we will keep accepting. If we don’t want to accept the concept of reincarnation, then also we can read at least the messages by the masters. I think everyone should read it. Just to show you different aspect of life, death and the state between them. I have written much about book here. If someone, after reading this feels why I opened the inner story of book, then read the first line of this post. But still, read the book. It is written in a nicely.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Movie - HP-3

So now about movie!
After reading the fantastic book, full of all interesting events and characters, all wonderful thoughts, the extra-ordinary writing which will make any picture/ film shy, watching the movie is little bit boring. How fast it was to see all the talks! It was noticeable that they wanted to finish all the stuff in small time. Everyone was literally running. Except the scene of Harry’s flight on Hippogriff and the last few moments when they go back into the past, nothing impressed me much. All the events in the book were so amazingly described that I was eagerly waiting when I’d watch the movie. But..
Even Hermione I’m whose great fan in books didn’t have much to explore in the movie. Such a letdown of expectations!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban!

Please stop reading if you want to read the book. Probably I will reveal the suspense too. (I hope I’m not the last person to read Harry Potter books. I know a friend who hasn’t read it. So yes, I can put this line.. ;) )
Good book again! Once again I want to appreciate Rowling for her pleasant writing.
This book had so many things in it – Harry stuffs air in his Aunt Marge’s body and makes the balloon out of it, the night bus, the Crookshanks and Scabbers, their races, Prof. Remus Lupin, Boggarts – the creature who turns into one which you are afraid of, Hagrid becomes a teacher, his Hippogriff – the magical creature which harry rides and flies on, Hermione’s loads of study, Divination, Prof. Trelawney, Hogsmede – the town of magical things, all kinds of sweets sold there, firebolt – the fastest and the most efficient broomstick of Quiddich, Sirius Black and his secret, Dementors, The patronous, Gryffindor’s victory of Quiddich Cup, Scabbers’s Identity, Hermione’s time turner, so many new things.. The most important is to say that everything is interesting. Really Joanne, I’m in love of your imagination!
I went crazy when Hermione’s secret was revealed - The time turner. I wonder what I’d do if I get something like this. I’ll waste it I know. Before getting something like this I need to learn something first. Swati, you will definitely make use of it to make your day of 48 hours and would read 3 times more books than you read now. :P
The end of the book was as usual nice! I was extremely happy when harry gets the owl post from Sirius as if I only got it. :D
Harry, you are a hero! But Hermione still inspires me more! :)


Yeah! It is time to write blog, after the loads of work. Good for me that I have work. But at the same time I have to hear lessons of sociality, health care etc from people. Even I agree that I had hardly talked to anyone much in the last month. This month must be the first month of my life that I have talked so less. Everyone knows how I bore people with my talks. It was time of relief for them. ;) I don’t know where was I on earth? But I do remember – I did good things. At least, I feel so.
I’m afraid, I won’t become lonely creature.:(

Anyway, today, after so long, was a day of relief. I didn’t have to work or to go anywhere. I got up late. Today I properly read newspaper after long time. Last week, I don’t even remember of reading more than one or two headlines on internet. Thanks to my internet it was down. I was going to go search something related to my work. And I know, once I get into it I don’t remember how time flies. So the first thing was the newspaper. There I read news about Halloween’s party. It reminded me of Brida. Someone is going to arrange Halloween’s party in Wicca Style. I had thought that Paulo had written all imagination in his book. But these things do exist; at least the people who do those things – use of their internal energy for doing enormously bizarre things. I want to see how these Wicca dance in their way.

Next thing was head massage which I got from some woman I don’t know but my mother knows. And it was very nice feeling for an hour. I usually don’t go for such things but today my mother asked and I didn’t say no. It was good though.

Right after the massage, I was going to sleep again. But before I sleep I took Harry Potter and went on reading until I complete it. Fantastic book! That deserves another blog post. I also watched the movie. That also deserves a blog post. I hope I will write both posts before I sleep.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good and bad things to learn

Interest is just an excitement; going ahead of it and having the dedication of commitment gives the real output.

I should not have respect for anyone who I meet every day, except for parents. Because if I have respect for someone, I will feel shy or fear to talk to him straight forward and hence I will be suffered if that person is wrong.

I should be selfish too, so that I won’t think of anyone else and will be able to get from them what I want. When I work, I have to get things done! That seems to be only funda!
After all, only output remains; rest other things? Who remembers?
And being like this calls you strong!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


And , the festive mood gets set here! I just came attending a Marathi musical program. It was not just a program. It was Diwali Pahat. Some good singers come to sing songs; the songs which set the holy atmosphere around us, the songs which charge you, the songs which drag you in a different era, different culture, Indian culture and especially Marathi Culture.(Please, don’t call me Raj Thakrey’s follower. I love Marathi but I don’t hate other languages and their culture.) Really nice! I’m glad that I understand Marathi very well so that I can enjoy these songs. I always ask my mother why she didn’t put me in English medium, because I take more time in understanding this language than those people who learned in English medium. But when I go to such programs, I feel good. I can also enjoy Marathi music, culture as I understand it.

So now I’m set in a festive mood. Though late, I got the excitement of festival back. :)

I drew Rangoli yesterday. For the first time I drew main Rangoli in front of my house. My sister is so perfect in such things that she never allowed messing up the festival mood with my terrible Rangoli. And I also never took interest in it. But this time, as she is in US, I took the chance. And I just wanted to give a try. And I started. But then I don’t know how I went doing on and I finished my Rangoli after my childish efforts of 3 hours. Anybody liked it or not, I liked it.
About bursting crackers, I burst few. But this was the last year of crackers for me. Next time, I’ll burst few which don’t make noise. This time I was badly suffered and tired of the continuous noise of crackers.
So this is how my Diwali went. About buying new dresses, my mother did it for me; as usual. ;) I went to buy just new sandals. Today I’ll go to my relatives' place. This is the thing with which Diwali gets over every year and yes, this time also would be the same.

Short and Sweet; Diwali got over too soon!

Doesn't this look like one of the ghosts of Hogwarts? :)

Rangoli - not bad!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wake up Sid

I liked! I’ll give it 3 stars. Nice acting by all – Ranvir Kapoor, Konkana (As it was expected), Anupam kher and all. Rahul Khanna looks handsome!
It was a very simple story. Anyone can guess what it is with the name of the movie and with even one trailer. The direction by Karan Johar made it good. I’ll call it a light-weight movie. Yes, there were some things unreal. But that doesn’t mess up the theme of the movie.
Konkana is shown as an ambitious girl. Initially, she looked inspiring. At the end, it was ok. Actually everything in the movie is not shown to the high extent. There could have been more. But you will not get bored at all.
It was colorful movie. (Color of cloths etc)
It had some positivity. I really can’t tell what, but I liked the movie in spite of observing something less in it.

I wonder why ultimately every bollywood movie should end with the love of hero and heroine. Can’t they make some movie without this relation? They were so good friends that there was no need at all to make them a couple. It’s like the dialogue from Hum-Tum – “Ek ladka aur ek ladki kabhi dost nahi ho sakte. Kyunki ye pyar hamesha beech me aa jata hai!” What rubbish! All bollywood people have a great belief in this dialogue.

Anyway, I enjoyed the movie. :)

I know that I have put all bad comments about the movie and still I’m saying I enjoyed it.

Ok, so to talk about small things about movie which made me enjoy it -
- The scene of results. It reminded me of my college days. And many times in my group my situation was like that of Sid. I never failed though. But my marks were never good. So it always ended with the mood same as Sid makes in the movie.
- The magazine “Mumbai Beat”. The office and its environment shown give some artistic, classical view.
- “Anda banana” thing of the movie. When Sid leaves his home and starts living with Konkana, he comes to know that he can’t do anything. And he learns to cook omlette. That time konkana gives such expressions, I remembered of my initial days in Amdocs. There I had realized that I don’t know anything. And I used to become happy with even a small thing I could do properly. How foolish I was! People around me were doing enormously appreciable things and I would become happy with even with an awareness of some simple UNIX stuff. “What a big deal ke tumne anda banaya? ” Konkana did it very nice.
- The way Konkana decorates her own house - It was amazing to see that.
- Konkana wants to do everything independently, on her own. It’s a nice feeling sometimes.
- The scene where they bedraggle each other. I liked that mischief.

And what else? There were so many things. I’d recommend anyone to see that movie.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mission Champion

Just now I watched a movie – Mission Champion! A Marathi movie. Really nice! After so long, some movie has touched my heart. Probably after Taare Zamin Par.
The story was about a school-going boy and his father. His father keeps lots of expectations from him and how the boy gets scared of his father and his expectations about him. A good progressing boy; how his progress gets stopped and how mentally he gets disturbed. Everything is shown excellently.

I’m not brave. I’m coward. (I accept.) If my parents would have behaved like his father, I don’t know what I would have done. I easily get scared sometimes when I see people around me knowing so much than me and especially when I have to deal with them. I have such a parent hidden inside my mind who always put restrictions on me. It puts all the expectations I have from myself. This hidden parent tell me - I need to be the best. And it is not possible. I know I’m an average person. But I want to be more than it. And for that I scare myself. Too bad!
Few days back; I can’t bear the memory also, but I had badly frightened myself. It had reached at the most extreme level. For such my weakness I trouble my close ones also. Too bad! I’m still a small child. I don’t know when I’ll grow up. And till then I’m going to keep troubling my close ones too.
Everyone, beware of me. Keep safe distance. I can trouble you with all possible ways if you come close to me. ;)
This is just one of the aspects of mine. But truly, I do few things which some people usually don’t do just because they have some other fear in their mind. I don’t want to mention such things publicly. :)
Anyway, everyone has some or other fear. That’s what I believe.


Read stuffs about Obama. I remembered of the quote by Cato the Elder – “After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one.”
Judges of Nobel Prize have done injustice to Obama. First, they should have given him the chance to prove himself. I feel sorry for Obama instead of getting pleased.
Now Mr. Obama, you need to prove your worth. People study first and then they get degree. It’s the other way for you. :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I watched 3 movies –
1) Harry potter and Chamber of Secrets – Of course I liked it! But book was far better. Harry Potter movies are fast, still they can’t cover everything. I wanted to see the ghost dead day party by Nearly Neckless Nick.
I’d not have understood the movie properly if I’d not read the book.
By the way, Harry appears as a Hero more in movie than in the book. So his acting has given more justification to the character, in the movie. Or perhaps, Hermione doesn’t let me look at Harry when I read the book. ;) I’m happy to see your very nice acting, Daniel. :)
2) Outsourced – Good start, but movie became so pathetic and so unrealistic in the second half that I don’t wish to write anything about it.
3) And a Marathi movie – Foreign chi Patlin – Timepass movie – more of Swades touch.

And I read things which I wanted to. So I’m happy. I also read a bit of Harry Potter and Prince of Azkaban.

I went with my college friends for dinner. As usual, I enjoyed the meet.

I got to hold a one-day old baby. That was the best thing I did that day. :)

Thus it made my perfect weekend.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I watched "Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind" yesterday.
One who wants to get mad, please go and watch it. ;)

It is all about playing with brain(technically) and hence with mind. It has shown a technique which erases someone completely from brain. The way it is shown, it seems logical (as all hollywood movies have logical/scientific ways to show all unreal things.)

Kate Winslet looks nice! Yes nice! Her hair with all weird colors and which change its color frequently, but look good on her. Who can imagine a blue color on hair and looking good? But it really looks nice!

Jim Carrey is cute! His acting justifies the story!

(I hope I understood the right meaning of the story without subtitles. :D)

This movie reminded me of all the weird dreams I see when I'm extremely tired and bereft of sleep for long time. It shows me the different world. Probably the one which is hidden inside my brain/mind.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just like that! :)

The one and only game I play on computer is pacman; the ancient game of DOS Age. Now I play the flash version. When I play it at home, I and my mother (she forgets her age) keep screaming like anything. I scream with the false fear of getting eaten by the evil insect (what I call it) and she cheers me like I’m really playing in some contest at international level. :P
I really appreciate her cheering when I play it. No one in the world has cheered me for anything as my mother always does for everything I tell her I’m doing. Few days back she had turned into typical mother that I should learn all house stuff and all that. Now she has given up and I have made her forget that I’ve grown up. :D Good for me until she realizes my age again. :D

Harry Potter and Chamber Of Secrets

I finally got the whole day to read it and I completed it. Superb, fantastic, mind blowing, outstanding.. History! :D (Suddenly remembered of Himesh) As expected, the book was very nice! It had more peak point situations than the first one. Of course the first was more introductory and this started all the series of fascinating events ultimately making me forget all hunger and thirst.

Dobby, Ginny Weasley, Mr. Luciuos Malfoy, Prof Glideroy Lockhart, Nearly Neckless Nick, Justin, Colin, Peeve, Tom Riddle, all the founders of Hogwarts, Prof Binn, Mrs. Pomfrey, Prof McGonagall, Prof Albus Dumbledore etc. All the characters are so peculiar and so fantastically narrated by J.K. Rowling that getting to know about everyone is really an avid activity. And most important fact is that we can’t easily forget their characteristics. Fantastic job by writer! While reading many books, if some character appears after lots of pages, I have to go back to check who it was. But in this book, I never had to go back to recollect something in spite of having so many characters with weird names and so many new terms. Really nice! Now I came to know why people go crazy when they talk of these books.

Hermione is very much inspiring to me. The way she swallows the books and has all the information, she leaves the actuation in the mind. Sometimes I really wished to go back to engineering years and study like her where I wasted my months and months in I don’t know what.

Harry Potter has all the powers in built. But Hermione achieves them. She learns them on her own. So for me till now, she is more attractive. No wonder Harry is the Hero as he is the one who defeats all the evil. But without Hermione and Ron he can’t achieve what he did. I missed Hermione while reading the book when she was petrified by the monster. She didn’t turn back much even at the end of the book. So I’m eager to read the next book now. I want to see her soon.

I’m waiting if anyone gifts me the third book. I got first one from my mother. Second; I had to buy it as no one gifted me and I could not have waited. :D This time probably I’ll try to convince my father who believes sleeping is better activity for me than reading books as if I’m going to reduce more weight by reading books. :P

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My First Project Event in Amdocs

After so long, this was my first project event in Amdocs. Venue was Kent Club of Kolhapur. Again a resort! So it was usual picnic. But it gave me a nice change which I really needed because of 2 weeks of continuous work and my continuous stay in Pune. (I know 2 weeks is not a big deal. But for me, it was; because of sudden change in the nature of work, in the schedule and of course in the responsibilities which I never had got.)

We left on Friday in the morning. The journey – the start of the picnic, was full of fun. Everyone got energized with song singing and teasing people around. On the way, we took our first halt at Prati-Balaji at Narayanpur. The temple was very tidy. Flowers brought by visitors are not allowed inside. This rule has kept the temple very clean. Starting the journey with temple made us feel of peace. It was nice to spend some more time with God than just saying “Hi” as we do everyday. ;)

We left from there in few minutes. Then eating lot of food on the way and playing dumb charades, journey ended at 1.30. As soon as we reached the club, we all kept our bags in the hall and few boys from us started playing volleyball. I never had played it. So I also joined them just for fun. I enjoyed it though everyone was teasing me for not knowing how to play, but at the end they all had started to give me practice. Good for me! :)

We played for a while and then went for lunch. There were kept some children’s toys and a bicycle – the one which has to be ridden keeping one leg on it and the other on the ground and giving jerks by the leg which is on the ground. I rode it there until the guy came to stop me because it was only for kids. Still maja aa gaya! ;)

Then we got our rooms and we took a nap there and got ready for Snow World – our next event. They had prepared a snow inside a large room and had maintained the temperature at -12 degree Celsius. We wore all protecting jackets, gum boots and entered inside. It was same as I had expected. We had a lot of fun there. We threw snow on each other, played on ladder. It was of extreme fun. There was no manager, no employee, no professional. We all were kids. :)

After that was the Horror World. I didn’t like it much as it didn’t scare me.

Then we went to roam around. The weather was fine. We took some snaps. When we came back to the resort, the others who hadn’t come with us were chatting. We also joined them. And as we reached there they started the ragging for new comers. As they hadn’t got to rag me last year, they started it with me. It was of fun again.

Then we played musical chair.

Every moment was of fun. I enjoyed the whole day completely. And as I look, behave like a kid, it added more fun in some or other way. The day ended after dinner. We had planned to dance, but due to lack of good music the plan got cancelled. So we did some chats and then went to sleep.

Next day in the morning, few people went for trekking. I didn’t even realize when someone tried to wake me up. :D

We went to play water rides. This day was of wounds for me. I just missed a serious injury. ;) But the ride which hurt me the most, gave the biggest pleasure. So again fun! Weren’t these 2 days purposed to give me all the fun I needed? :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

For no reason!

I’m admonishing you that this is not logical at all. So read at your own risk.

I needed a change. I left office, boarded usual bus, and as usual played music player of my cell. It played 3 songs to me but I didn’t hear a single one. I don’t know where my mind was flying. It was not with my senses. It couldn’t listen, see, feel. Nothing! It was not the first time to have so. Bus was stuck in traffic. I literally threw the headphone and took out Harry Potter book. Read a single page of it and closed the book at the advent of my destination. I closed the book and stepped down. I had decided not to eat anything. My mental body didn’t need food for physical body. It needed its own food. But then the thought of acidity came to mind and I asked the hotel guy to make parcel of food. I didn’t want to mess up one more day bearing the acidity. He needed 10 minutes. I went to have a normal walk. Nothing touched me at all. I had become completely adamant to things happening around me. Coming back to the hotel, a thought appeared to my mind. It said, “Let’s play a game. You’ll find 5 things. Any 5 things. And I will put a thought on it. Let’s start.” And I started to look around.

I could make note of following things – My mind put thought on each that I have written in brackets.
1) A very poor appearing girl was sleeping in a well priced car. (Wasn’t it unusual? Well, such things can happen here. It’s a place of crazy rich people. This needs a different post to write about them. But I won’t. They are not that important to me.)
2) An alone girl eating ice-cream. (Would I have ever eaten ice cream alone on road? I think no! But I should give a try. Why should I be dependent on someone if I want to eat ice-cream? Lonely people are very much self-loving. :))
3)A husband with a wife and a child carrying child in one hand and holding wife’s hand by his other and crossing the road. (How caring! I would love if someone will do it for me too. But I’d rather prefer not to be dependent on anyone for such a small thing.)
4)2 small Muslim kids wearing Kurta-pajama and the cap (I don’t know what it is called) riding bicycle. (They really were looking very cute!)
5)And the last - after spending one year in this house, today for the first time I noticed that there were 5 posters of Ganpati right above the front door and… I noticed 3 first. I said wow! Then I saw 4th. Again said wow! Then the 5th and oh my god I saw the whole Toran (I don’t know what it is called in English) having Ganpati on each of its leaf. And you know how I must have felt. Here I and my mind expressed everything in unity. :)

Story ends here. The story which had no purpose! And will have nothing in the future too. A game played like this never entertains me second time.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

When I think I'm settled now, I'm blocking all the doors of progressing!
Some say I know so many things. Some say I need to improve my knowledge.
Some say I keep crying all the time. Some say they never saw smile missing on my face.
Some say I’m too much lazy. Some say I’m very energetic.
Some say I’m boring, I like nothing. Some say I’m enthusiastic about everything in this world.
Some say I take things very seriously and get offended. Some say they tease me a lot so that I’ll get offended. But they never win. :)
Some say I’m very rude. Some say my voice is so polite that even if I try to be rude, I will never become so.
Some say I do not have much social life. Some say I waste my most of the time in trying to be social.
Some say I’m very emotional. Some say I’m rigid, nothing matters to me.

I get surprised specailly when people give opposite opinions about me on the same day or in the same hour.

There can be two reasons behind it –
1) Everything is comparative. Nothing is absolute. But every statement they make is absolute.
2) I’m random. (This is 100000000000% true.)

When someone says “Oh Pranali, you are impossible. Understanding you is not my cup of tea” Then that person understands me well. :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Harry Potter

This phase can be said as of Harry Potter for me! This is second book I'm reading now. I liked everything whatever I've read so far. One of the nice sentences -
"Ingenious, really, how many ways Muggles have found of getting along without magic!"
(This is when Ron's father and Harry talk about Phone as a medium of communication invented by Muggles)

How inspiring for all of us Muggles! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I like to write in Marathi as well! In fact, I always wrote my diary in Marathi! But Marathi typing is tedious here. I have found a new way to post my post in Marathi. See if one can read it! If it is not readable, I'll try to improve my hand-writing, and will set my camera to better settings! ;) Lets try the first one -

Sunday, August 23, 2009

-Feelings can be overwritten!

-For any excitement of emotions, best way is to stay quiet for sometime and then to express it.
I completed reading Harry Potter and Philopopher's Stone!
Nice read! Whatever I had heard about it , it was the same.
So many characters! And their nice baffling names! It will improve one's memory if tried to remember each character with its peculiarity.

Every chapter held me till the end. And I compared magic learning with software field learning and it was nice!

I'm keen to read next parts!

There are so many things to write about my experience of reading this book.
I couldn't (didn't) sleep properly in the recent week just to read this book. But my efforts were not enough. My struggle to read the book, days of joys spending time with friends as I was celebrating my birth week ;) and my new work kept me busy altogether and it made my week very nice!
The whole week gave me unexpected incidences! I always get bored on my birthday which was exactly opposite this time. I got unexpected wishes. I had wished to spend it with some people who couldn't come to meet me. And that didn't affect me even a little. I had nice and enough work which kept me busy and enjoying.
I should thank God for giving me such a nice week!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Last year

Today is the special day for me! Hence I thought like giving a thought on my past year.

Incidents happened to me:
1)First time I left home. :)

2)Exactly one year ago I had completed one day in my first project. I had got my first assignment. Yes, it is obvious to mention that here. I had realized badly that I had wasted my 4 years in college. I should have performed well and all. I had got a pretty nice shock that I don't know anything. :)

3)I got my (not first) salary.

4)My world changed drastically. Pranali who was all the time surrounded by atleast 4 people was all alone now. Loneliness teaches a lot!

5)For the first time the atmosphere around me (where I lived) didn't affect me at all, though it was not what I had wanted. It still doesn't. So now I want it. :D

6)First 4 months in Amdocs: My first project. I'm very very much grateful that I got that project and those people around me.

7)Reading became my hobby. I have read so much in the past year I had never read even 10-15% of it in any of the previous years. I should/could have read still much more.

8)I stopped liking bollywood's craps. Thanks to Sharan for giving me "The Kite Runner" to read.

9)Learned/learning to debate....

10)I got to observe people whom I'd like to copy. I feel no harm/shame in copying the things they do if I really adore their attitude and the things they do.

10)I stopped writing poems (by other poets), songs in my diary which was my all time favorite hobby. Very bad! I will start it again.

11)I realized that I can't leave my Mumbai at all.

12)I have started liking computers more and more.


Things which didn't change:
1)My weight. :D

2)I still didn't get back my interest in watching TV. Bad! :(

3)I'm still emotional.

4)I'm still away from jewellery, thinking about cloths, etc etc. Good for me, but not for my mother and sister. ;)

And there must be many things. I don't remember. :)


Books that I read :
1)The Kite Runner
2)Who moved my cheese?
3)How to mind map
4)The last lecture
6)What nobody ever told you
7)A "The Hardy Boys"
8)Race Against Time (by Enid Blyton I guess) Don't remember

There's a lotttttttttttttt to read!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Got to know few things:
1)When you smile everyone will want to meet you. So keep smiling! :)

2)Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (Got to read it somewhere)

3)Feelings, promises, friendship are made to be modified for your convenience.


This week was full of change.
1)Swine Flu:
The hottest topic of the week. When I entered Pune, I was surprised with almost all the people wearing masks. Oh my god! The whole picture was changed drastically.
Anyway, it didn't change my life much, except for the day when I wore that irritating mask for 2-3 hours as a precautionary measure (as it should be so). I could sleep early due to extreme headache. ;)
One may or may not be infected with H1N1, but this mask will definitely will try to kill him making him inhale carbon dioxide.
"Stay clean and use clean handkerchief to cover your nose when you are surrounded extremely by the crowd." This is fine to me.

It was nice to know that software companies are caring so much for their employees. :)

2)Confirmation of my module/team change:
I shifted to other module in the same project team. This work seems to be (more) challenging. Good for me! Now I hope I will have less work of handling my unstable mind and also my friends will be spared. ;)

There's a lot and lot to learn now. :)

I will be able to add stuff in my resume. :)

3)A journey in AC class:
Since long my friend wanted to try traveling in AC class. But miser I was postponing it giving excuses. This time giving the reason of precautionary measure against Swine Flu, we booked AC class's ticket. And I got bored there. The happening life gets vanished for me in such high-class environments. I'd like to live lively in little uncomfortable environments.

It will never end for me.I like to do it, so I won't complain. After long time I got to do it. Again a temporary change.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Add on previous post

The best part of this debate/ discussion…

Friend: You know, we boys many times think that these extra emotional girls read something somewhere and believe without verifying what they read. I myself have considered you as a person easily believing on thoughts of so called big people and have dominated you with my arrogant disbeliefs about them. I’m really sorry for having doubted intelligence of all emotional girls. When I started this debate I believed I will win it. I had a fake belief that whatever you said is just a read and has no base to it. But this is not true.

Pranali: Usually boys keep trying to prove themselves. Girls give up when discussions go on for long. Boys never do. Mad girls!

Friend: No. Girls are not mad. They are emotional. They don’t want to affect their relation with the person they are debating with. And hence they give up. But that doesn’t mean they are always wrong. It is just they don’t prove their side.

Pranali: True! It is like one speaks louder is always listened and believed.

Friend: Thanks for not giving up today and making me realize this too. :)

Pranali: :)

A debate

Yesterday while coming from Pune, I and my friend had a very nice debate! It was one of the best debates I have had till now (May be because I won it.:D). It started just with a small comment of mine on him. He said something that he can’t do it. And I just said – “If you think you can do it or if you think you can’t do it, you think right.”

Then the discussion went as follows -
Friend: This is only a thought made by big people which is published in some book and usually considered as a fact, which is not always true.

Pranali: How do you say that? If you say you can’t do something, how would you be able to believe on your ability? And ultimately you will result in failure.

Friend: I mean to say if you think you can do something, then you are right is not always true.

Pranali: (I’m reading “It’s not about bike” by Lance Armstrong, so his example came to my mind and I told him about it). This Lance Armstrong.. Once he had caught into a big accident and his legs were stitched. Doctor had told him to keep those stitches for 3 weeks. And Lance had some swimming training and along with that some swimming competition after 5 days. He couldn’t wait for 3 weeks. On 5th day, he cut all his stitches on his own and went for training. In the subsequent competition he stood third. The doctor himself couldn’t believe that after having such a huge surgery how he could win such competition. See, this guy had belief that he had the ability to swim in that competition.

Friend: He got famous, he wrote that book and hence you know that the thought you told above holds true. Think of some guy who was under the same situation. He also had that confidence and he went for competition. But in the mid of it, his legs got hurt so badly, that neither he won that competition nor he could swim at all after that. Such a person won’t get famous ever and won’t get to write about his experience. And even if he writes about it, that book won’t be famous as that person is not famous as he was failed in the competition. So you will never know that he believed he could do it but what happened? He lost his legs, and his belief got proved wrong.

Pranali: Even if he got hurt in the mid of competition, he must have swam for some distance which is also not possible for a person after getting caught into such huge accident. So still he won right? Now it depends on your definition of victory also.

Friend: But what had he thought? He can do it. But he couldn’t. So the above thought holds wrong. Whatever is your believed thought holds true only under some conditions. It is not always possible.

Pranali: If that person fails this time, if he tries next time he will win. If he fails again and he tries again, he will win. If he tries until he wins he will definitely win at some time. There is no end.

Friend: If while trying these things, he loses his legs completely, how is he going to win?

Pranali: See, you are putting abnormal conditions and then trying to prove that you are right. This is not fair. It is like you don’t have a computer and you say I can type on keyboard and I can see it on monitor though I don’t have computer. Without having the mean to do it, how would you ever think that you can do something?

Friend: I’ll give you an example of cricket match series which was held in Sharjah and it was a semi final match between India and Australia. If India was won, it’d have gone into finals. Sachin had told that he would play so well that he’ll take India into finals. He played really very well. But on a ball, umpire gave wrong decision and Sachin was told that he was out. Here, Sachin believed that he could have made India win the match. But he couldn’t. Now also your believed thought holds false here.

Pranali: Sachin believed his ability and he did as per that. Umpire’s wrong decision was an obstacle to his success, which was not under Sachin’s control. But he believed and he did as per his belief. He still had the ability to make India win the match.

Friend: But what is the result? Result made his belief to result false. So your believed thought is not always true. You should put *conditions applied* for it.

Pranali: I think you’re mixing things under our control and things which are not.
I’ll give you one more example. If you want to write a software or some piece of code which will work properly when it is embedded in some other code and in some properly working environment. If you think you can write it and you can make it work properly.

Friend: What if the environment goes wrong or the code in which I embed my code is itself wrong then what? It is not going to work, right? So again this thought went wrong.

Pranali: But here, did you yourself go wrong? There were other obstacles in your path which made your code don’t work. If it was nice environment and a properly working code in which you embedded it, your code would have worked.

Friend: That’s my point. Your belief is not always right. I know I can write code. But if obstacles which are not under my control come in my path then my belief will result false. So again you need to put *Conditions Applied* for your believed thought.

Pranali: Your code didn’t work. Reasons were other obstacles, not you. You have ability to write the code. Other things didn’t allow it to work; it doesn’t mean you can’t write code.

One simpler example, you know you can perform addition of any 2 integers. If I give you 2 integers you will add them correctly. Can you?

Friend: Yes.

Pranali: Now if you say I can add 2 integers using calculator. And now if calculator’s program is buggy then you won’t be able to add 2 integers correctly, right?

Friend: Right!

Pranali: So does that mean “you” can’t perform addition. Is it your ability that is doubted? So if you think you can do it, you are right.
Now if you think I can’t perform this addition using even a calculator. So you doubted your ability. Won’t your hands shiver while typing numbers on computer because you believed you can’t do that?

Friend: I think I’m brain washed. :D Let me think again. What was your believed thought? :D

Pranali: “If you think you can do it or if you think you can’t do it, you think right.”

Friend: I think I took the wrong meaning of it. I kept thinking about the actual happening of the event of our ability. Yes, I can do something if I really think I can do it. If I think I can’t do it, somewhere I’m lacking an ability to do it.

Pranali: Obstacles do come in path. But they don’t affect our ability. They only try to reduce the possibility of actual happening of event. But if I think I can do something I can do it, if not first time, next time. There is always a next time.

Isn’t it like Bhagvadgita’s message – “Fal ki apeksha na kar! And you’ll get the success of what you’re doing?”

Friday, July 31, 2009

Networking revisited........

Networking has got auspicious days as someone has started reading about it. :D

Few posts ago, I had cursed networking for being boring, not as good as programming etc etc. But now, I won’t curse it. I won’t make any statement comparing programming and networking now as I really don’t know much about any of these fields. My knowledge in both of the field is 0.0……1% (any number of Os can be put in place of dots). But I’m glad that I have made a start. And thanks to headfirst series.

I was madly searching for any good book about networking and suddenly I got to see this Head First Networking. I had become very happy to see the book there. I started reading it. And now I finished it. And today I’m really really feeling that “Yes, I know something.” Few days ago I had started having hatred for networking due to many reasons. But now, I liked whatever I read. So I’m happy. I was never so glad after reading any technical book. 

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Whenever something happens which is not I wished/wanted, it always brings something good out of it.
In last few months so many things happened which I didn’t want to happen. And such things are still happening! How lucky I am!! :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Looking back....

I don’t want to be here.
I want to be with my mother.
I want my all folks with me.
My mother, my father, my sister and a little I; a complete family!
Mother will wake me up for school.
She will prepare my Tiffin. I’ll be ready for my school.
I and my sister will go together.
My mother will say bye, father will say bye and the little cat will peep from the window to see us going. Sometimes it will follow us.
Mother will take the cat in and we’ll keep gazing at our cat’s attachment to us.
In school, I’ll be the first ranker. I will have no complex of not knowing stuff.
I will also play cheerfully with friends.
I’ll rush to home early, forgetting my friends and keeping all the school matter outside I’ll hug my mother with an excitement of meeting after five hours. She will kiss on my head.
I’ll start playing with my cat.
My mother will have cooked the food for me. She’ll serve me and I’ll just have the task to eat it properly.
I’ll tease my sister, she’ll try to hit me and I’ll escape. If she wins hitting me, I’ll start my drama of crying until she says sorry.
My sister will help my mother in household work. That task won’t be under my realms of doings.
I won’t have to do anything other than playing with my cat, with my friends, watching TV and doing anything for myself, studying gracefully with no hard work.
I will have no responsibilities, no dues, no to-dos, nothing.
I’ll take a nap under my mother’s arms.
In the evening I’ll find someone to play with me. Even if I don’t find anyone, my cat will always be there for me.
Early we all four will dine together chatting with each other, I teasing my sister, my cat.
My mother and father will scold me for touching the dirty cat while dining.
Finishing all the work, we all will chat, we’ll play cards or some other indoor games and I’ll again sleep under my mother’s arms.
My all close ones will be around me. I won’t have to buy any phone call free plan to talk to my mother. I won’t need to be online to talk to my sister.
No one will have to find time from everyday’s busy schedule to talk to close ones. And still we all will be close.
It’s a dream! A very nice, relaxing dream!

Like a wise person, I’ll forget it soon, I won’t be emotional, I will be happy with whatever I have and not thinking of the things I don’t have.
I’ll continue my present life. I’ll look into my to-do list and will try to complete tasks in it.
Sometimes I’ll feel sick and there won’t be any one here to look after me as my mother always did. I’ll miss her, will drop a tear and I myself will wipe it and will forget the whole like a strong person.
I will make new friends; will try to adjust with them, when they’ll go away I’ll find others. I’ll try to find my sister in one of them. But I’ll never get my sister everyday along with me. I’ll never get to meet my close ones every day.
And still I’ll pretend to be content because I have a good job, I earn enough money and I have all seemingly nice things with me.
When everyone’s moving forward, I’m looking back.
Am I too orthodox?
Am I not practical?
Am I not mature to understand what is good for being wealthy?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I want to scream, scream and scream!! Just like a mad! Yes I'm mad. Call me mad. Doesn't matter. I want to scream. For no reason, for nothing!! I know that I didn't get anything special, not even what I want and ask for everyday. Still I want to scream! Scream, scream and scream!!


For screaming like this: No criteria, No Pre-requisite! You don't need to have something to scream. Just scream!!!! :)

Once more – “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……………….”

Friday, July 3, 2009

Beautiful Soul

Nowadays I'm in love with the song "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney. It is just awesome!!!


Read "Brida", "What nobody ever told you", Watched "New york", "The Secret" etc etc...

I didn't like "What nobody ever told you". :)
Liked both the movies!

And about Brida? Nice start of the book! It impressed me absolutely by answering few nice questions. I was really glad when I read those weird questions and answers to them. Like - What is soul mate? What are our bodies made up of? etc etc. A person who likes to see behind the visible world would really like to read those answers. The definition of soul mate was amazing. Who knows? That must be true too, if one wants to believe.

Then book went fluttering somewhere. It was very boring on few pages. But still I can say it was not waste to read it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

आज पावसानं पुन्हा एकदा साद घातली .......... :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

चंद्रशेखर गोखल्यांची एक चारोळी

झाडावरून प्राजक्त ओघळतो
त्याचा आवाज होत नाही
याचा अर्थ असा नाही की
त्याला इजा होत नाही

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A bitter truth!

Today I had to sit on the seat near the driver of the bus. I could see how he was reacting to the persons coming in his path. A boy came in his path breaking rules of traffic and driver said “kya masti hai isko!” After sometime same thing a woman did. And what did this great driver say? He said – “Kya bevakoof hai!”
What a difference in these reactions! Same driver to the same situation reacts differently. Why is this difference? When boys do some mistake, they do it for fun or for mischief and when girls do the same mistake they are fool. If we are given lessons that everything is like how we look at it, then why people can’t change their pre(mis)conception about this? I’d say everyone doing such partiality is orthodox. They are still stuck in wrong beliefs.

We do duties for saving environment, trees etc. One also must follow the rule of equality. The next person is human first, and then he is a boy or a girl.

So many people fight against the caste system in India. And at the same time they ignore this inequality. Fight for inequality not for your side. :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

My blog..

So many things were there to write here. I even had got time to write them. But I didn't. And now I felt I'm missing my writing. I'm missing my only friend who never gets bored of my craps.
Usually when I miss something, some people, and I don't get them or don't get to meet them, I make habit of staying away from them. So was I making the same habit for my blog writing too? Perhaps yes, but unintentionally. So getting realized to this fact, I came to meet my friend. :)


Why do I write this blog then?
Don't I have other people to discuss things? Yes, I do have. But I have found they get bored if I start discussing my weird things. Or perhaps I have such false assumption. Who knows the truth? And who cares? :)

I'm very random. I don't make plans for anything. So to keep the track of activities I do, do I write this blog? This blog may help me in doing so, but my purpose is really not that. I never did anything to keep the track of my deeds. But if I could do so unknowingly, then it is well and good.

Sometimes a crazy person like me needs to bluff. So when I don't get anyone, I come here and write. People have started telling me that I write a lot. I know no one reads it with excitement. Some people talk to me about my blog with such a big yawn (:D:D:D), that I can find some solution for it. I can write and not post.

So if some day anyone finds new posts stopped in my blog (if anyone tries to find :P) , never feel that phulpakharu is dead. It will never die till I’m alive. :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

To be poetic........

All of a sudden I get to see the blog of a friend and I read it. He writes the poems in his blog - his own poems. And I wonder how poets find so many words and how they fit them in a proper sequence, in a proper rhyme! How can they express so nicely that the reader feels it touchy and to read it again and again! I wish I could write something like this to express my feelings so that next time when I read those poems I won’t feel that I’m reading a crap.
I hope somewhere down the line, I will learn to write something that I myself would respect my own words.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

tooooo many things......

First “The Hardy Boys” of my life:

I read it now. So early!! :D
I’m just a kid with respect to my reading activity. So it is not too late.
By the way, I enjoyed reading this book. I felt like watching CID. Nice book! The way Frank and Joe, the teenagers, are described as Heroes of the story, imagining small children doing such hard things was fun for me. :)

This was the first book of last 2-3 months which I read completely. I guess after “The Last speech by Randy Pausch”.


Busy me:

Last 2-3 weeks were of interesting work. I enjoyed lot of it, though there were many situations where I had done such huge mistakes that I felt embarrassed. I hope future will also bring nice work for me and I would learn to take interest in things I don’t like now but I have to do them. ShreeGanesha is done. Now the path following comes. I’m sure I’m going to fell down in lots of pits, as it is my old habit. ;) Standing again with all hurts is a fun. ;)


Everlasting topic for me. Better to accept the facts and to adapt to them (like Darwin’s theory of survival) than talking about people. I’m also a part of people. I enjoy/sometimes feel difficult to deal with them just because I’m weird. I can’t leave my weirdness. ;)


I have attended so many marriage ceremonies since my childhood; I’m really bored of it. Still I try to attend as many as possible if I’m invited, get bored there, curse for some customs and come back.
I like only one moment, when bridegroom places garland on bride’s neck. They both shy. How nice is the moment and how important for both of them! Life goes normal after few days, but that moment brings dreamy situations for them. It doesn’t matter whether it is arranged marriage or love marriage. Expressions on couple’s faces are just awesome. They would have enjoyed more if it was with small number of people instead of in the overflowing marriage hall.
Anyway, all rituals and customs are the big topic to write about. More on this some other time.



Started. More on this later when I will do it more. :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


How people like to get knowledge in Telecom/networking field, they only know.

Oh God, how boring it is to read a document of some device, to dig it to find which type of port can support which type of cross connect , especially when it is to dig out the information about shelf, slot and port values!

Why don't devices have common concepts like OOP has? There should be reason for everything. You shouldn't put things just in a table format and tell someone to read this table of 1000s of rows. There must be reason for every row, so one will find it nice to read.

Perhaps (or definitely) I haven't found the correct path to learn it. I know I haven't tried it much either.

Last time I tried to read a topic of networking. I read it and tried to prepare insight for that. But I didn't get the reason behind whatever I read. And if I don't get reason for anything I'm reading or anything I'm told to do, first thing I forget it. Second thing I get irritated.

I'm sure I'm wrong in saying that there are things without any reason. There must be some. But until I find reasons for thing I'm doing, learning I will remain bored of them. Let's see when I myself jump into enter this mesh of networks.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Am I still inside cocoon?

Result of current hot topic says - If you want to reciprocate to the curse, the only thing required is Victory. Rest all is waste.

Staying down to earth after getting victory must be difficult. Who knows? I never won in my life.In fact, I hardly have participated in any competition. I really don't remember I gave a tough fight to anyone. I have played a lot in my school days. But I don't remember I had ever won something. My games were just for fun. Never for winning or beating. And whenever I had participated, I was always beaten. I think I have lived very ordinary life. No competition, hence no victory. Nothing!! I wonder if I need Victory. No. I can't tolerate it. Better is to be the queen of my own world. :-) Butterflies never fight.

But in my dreams, I have seen many times that I'm trying too hard to get something and .....
And I never saw the result. Who knows what that indicates? Does it indicate that I should leave my butterfly nature sometimes atleast? I don't know.

I had never won even a debate except once. (I never needed to prove anyone that I'm right). And that was when I and Atul (a friend from Amdocs) were arguing on the topic veg Vs non-veg. Oh no, I had not won. It was just I who thought I won because I had proved him (or probably myself) that I was not wrong. Actually this topic is subjective and mainly depends upon the perspective of an individual. So Can't say who won. But I had given hard try to prove myself right.

After writing all this , I wonder if I'm still sleeping. :D

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Violent Pranali :(

I have a bad habit of hitting anyone without any reason, just for fun. :(
I got to watch a video on YouTube (Oh, I have unlimited Internet now. \0/ ), that showed, how badly a girl can hurt a boy by casual hitting as she is not aware of the pain a boy may feel. I won't paste a link here. I haven't stored it either. It was horrible with respect to the boy, but was nothing other than a fun for her who hit him.
Now onwards, I will avoid to make such violent fun.

A friend was convincing me not to take unlimited Internet scheme as it is not worth (slow, unnecessarily costly, etc etc). Now he'd be happy at least for saving him from frequent violence. ;)

Lessons for me

1. Don't ask question to anyone (not even to God), when you know the answer and specially when the answer can be "yes" or "no".

2. Don't stick to something/someone for long. If it is something, you will get bored, if it is someone, that person will get bored. ;) -> I had read some similar sentence in Swami Vivekanand's book. That was written in terms of attachment with work, with God, with religion etc. (I have bored my God a lot. :D. It is better to give him a small break. :) )

Friday, May 8, 2009

Analyse or not?

Many thoughts came and went. I didn't write them on paper. So they got exhausted. They didn't got any permanent value. I don't even remember what my mood was a day before.
Is it necessary to put thoughts, logic on paper? 
Lets try to answer - 

Just now I read about 2 types of counting here.

We all know this. Even I knew. But I never differentiated between the two. I never counted wrong though I didn't know about these types and their differentiation. Then how did I do that correctly? I knew few basic principles of counting and I applied them properly. This is very simple task. So we can say One who knows this differentiation and the one who doesn't know both will achieve it.

I compared this thing with attitudes of my two friends. Both are highly intelligent.
One always reads basic as well as advanced things of all technologies, even about human nature, thinking etc etc. He knows everything by words.
The other guy never reads other than basic. He doesn't even give existence to his thoughts. He always has to do with as few words as possible. He always wants to achieve right things.

One is more verbose other is less. 

Both of them appear to be exactly opposite. But both show the same behaviour at many situations. These behaviours look completely different. But the difference is only with the outer packing. The basic funda is the same. (This may be only my opinion about them.) Who knows?

Moral of the story -> Read or don't read, analyse or don't analyse, you should learn to apply things.

But There is always fun if you express, analyse things by words. Otherwise life will go boring. :) At least for me.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vodafone ads

I got to know that the ad film-maker is Prakash Verma and those creatures are called Zoozoos. It's a fun to pronounce this word - Zoozoos~~~~~~~~~ :D

And fascinating thing is that they are not animations. They are human- beings wearing those cute costumes. Nice na? 

For more information - Click!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Reading - "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps!!"  See the title - It itself differentiates us using words don't and can't :(

God, I'm very angry with you today!! You have done partiality while distributing gifts to men and women.

You have made men to live for themselves. And we are here just to make others happy!! I'm angry!! Really angry!! :-X 

I'm still going to read this book completely. I want to know what injustice god has done to me, and to know what I'm yet to learn more.

So far, I can believe whatever written in first 2 chapters. The experiments given proved right for 75% times for me. Still, I have my opinion about it. I think it is better to talk about when the book is read completely.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vodafone Ads!!

Vodafone must have got a nice ad-maker. I like their ads nowadays. Those all cartoons are really cute!! Specially the one in see-saw ad. And the themes are too nice! The theme of shower and small recharge: I just loved it. :)

The previous series of ads was also nice!

Good, vodafone ad-maker!!  Keep it up...... :)

Newspaper Stuff

  • Read a (good) news - The plan-making for disaster management in Mumbai is going to start now. This is to avoid the situations like the one occurred on 26 July, 2005 in Mumbai. 2009 is going on. After ONLY 4 years the plan-making is GOING TO start. It is going to take 2 years (planned so). Then the implementation WILL start  ;) and then it will be implemented. Oh, it's really a good news. :)
  • In the opinion of some people (read in newspaper) the option for negative voting must be provided. It reminds me of my Armed Force Medical Entrance Exam when I was scared of getting negative marks. :D. If such an option is really provided...... =))

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Books waiting..........

In last few months, I started many books to read and somehow I left them in half way. :(
Let me count the number of such books -
1)Anything for you Ma'am - read 3-4%
2)Dreams from my father by Barack Obama - read 2-3%
3)Why men don't listen and women can't read maps - 10% ( I have temporarily lost this book somewhere :( I know I'll get it. :) )
4)Head First Java - 80%
5)Design patterns - 50%
6)OOAD - 1% :D ( just started)
7)The manifestation of silence - 1% :D:D
8)Brida - 5%
9)The three mistakes of my life - 50%
10)The Elements of Style - 25%
11)If tomorrow comes - 50% ( I'll have to restart it)

I love browsing the books in shop. I feel like buying many of them and then realize that I still have books remaining. I took a book to buy and kept it back at the time to pay. I did this 3-4 times, but last time I couldn't control myself. Now I'm not gonna go to any book shop until I finish 2-3 of from the above list. I say it always, but I also happen to go to book shop and cycle continues. ;)

I really don't understand how time flies. Such is the life of a moody person like me! :(  ;)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A day with less words!!

In the morning itself I had decided to speak less today. And I did that. This was fun for some time. I may have irritated others with this activity but some people must have got relief for a day. :P

Sometimes it is nice to take such breaks. You can conserve energy. You will work more. And you will not complain that people are not talking to you. ;)

If I get less to talk, I get bored many times. But today I didn't get bored at all. So now onwards if I get less to talk, I will make that day for oath of silence (maun vrat). But I won't like to make the habit of less speaking. It is injurious to my health. :D

Thursday, April 16, 2009

थोडंसं मराठी!!

पु. लं. च्या हसवणूक पुस्तकातल्या प्रस्तावनेतलं एक वाक्य -
"जन्म आणि मृत्यू या दोन टोकांमध्ये पकडून नियतीने आपली जी फसवणूक केली आहे ती लक्षात आली की आपल्या सभोवतालच्या लोकांची हसवणूक केल्याशिवाय गत्यंतर उरत नाही"

Pic of the day!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Peace for Others ;)

This phase of my life - being independent.  (Nice dialogue!! :D)

 I had a habit to expect some comment from people for whatever I say, do to them. But now I realized that only few people do comment. I am one of them.

I would just keep waiting for comments.  My purpose behind that was to know the opinion of the next person for my actions.

But now I think I should not wait for that. I'm (or my actions are) not so special that people will feel like commenting for them :D

This will make me think less on my actions. And also I myself will review my actions and I won't have to be dependent on others.

And I think even I should stop boring people with my extra-commenting. ;)  So now, people around me will be relieved. :P

Monday, April 13, 2009

I don't know what should be the title of this post.

  • Not everything is meant to be learned. The things happening around you which you don't like is the good example of it. 

  • Being with people shows you the life which you see with your open eyes. Being alone shows you the life which you can't ever see with your open eyes. You need to close your eyes, to see inside of yours, to see your soul and ultimately to communicate with God. 

  • I am alone on my path of life, no matter where it leads me to. Life is the game of three of us - God, I and destiny. I'm tied to the rope, one end of which is tightly held by God. Destiny is the innocent child of God who is playing with the rope. It gives the jerk to the rope. Rope moves in the air along with you and keeps moving until I am hit by an obstacle. I enjoy every jerk and the move in the air. But I'm hurt when I’m hit by an obstacle. If I push myself more and more in the same direction as of the rope, the chance of getting hurt tremendously increases more. If I’m stable while moving with this flow, I will get hurt with small amplitude. And if I move in the opposite direction of the flow, I will be stable. I will never get hurt. Such people are called Monks. The people from first category, who push themselves along the direction of the rope, enjoythis moving a lot. But they also get hurt tremendously. If they can withstand the hit and recover themselves soon from it, they can prepare themselves to enjoy another move. Such people are called Strong. Reducing the ratio of time to recover from hit to the time to move in the air is the skill. One who achieves that, wins over the life. :)

Friday, April 10, 2009


So, finally I realized that there is no point in trying to answer the question that if I can like to spend time in Pune!! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fun in Randomness ;)

Last 2 days were nice as I didn't get time to pay attention towards inspiring people around me. (Why inspiring? If I would have posted few things which I wrote but didn’t post due to my laziness, it would have been cleared) :D:D

I had got so many issues to solve. This was little bit funny too. I observed that the applications and devices we use are random like me. :)

One problem arises due to my mistake, which causes the second problem to arise. And this second problem takes much time to get solved. During the course of trying things to solve the second problem, I come to know about the mistake I made to create the first problem. But then now what about the second problem? This isn't solved yet. So I try any relevant, irrelevant thing. And suddenly some irrelevant thing solves the problem. I say, "What rubbish!! How can this be the solution for this problem? This is not at all related to it." And then after searching the relevant information, I come to know that there is nothing illogical. The issue was only that I was not aware of the relation between these things.

Such scenarios happen many times as I am not aware of details of the application on which we are developing the packs. So ultimately, I am responsible for this random behavior of the application. Thus nothing is illogical.

My father always comes with some problem with my poorly configured PC. Sometimes I ignore the problems as I know my PC is not worth spending time with it. So I tell my baba that this is random behavior of our PC. Please ignore it. He always says,”PC is stupid. It never does random things. We do them unknowingly and curse the PC.” Even I know this. Everybody knows. But we behave like a lazy to find solution for such randomness. So I should stop calling things random and start finding solution on them. :)

May be, I'm also like these software applications. Am I really random? May be yes, may be no. Who knows?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I do this! :(

We get angry with the person who we feel very much close to our heart. We never show our anger to the person who is not close. We smile instead even if he hurts us. Thus we hurt them whom we don’t want to. And we please them who we don’t even care of.

Very common, true though. :)

Problem About Problem :D

I have come to conclusion for the topic of "Solving Problems", which (conclusion) may or may not last forever.
1) I should not try to solve the problems which are not problems.
2) I should not ignore the problems which are actually problems.
3) I should learn to differentiate between problems and non-problems.

To rephrase it - "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Way to something!!

Old Principle: "If you want something which is going to give you temporary satisfaction but is going to harm you in the future, then better neither want it nor get it."

New Principle: "If you want something, if you are dreaming of something and which is perfectly alright for now, but may harm you in the future, then go and get it. And when and if it harms you in the future, find solution for it." To think like this, we need courage. Courage to face the future. If you have it, then you can enjoy the present too. Why to think of the future now when you are not able to decide for your present?

The first principle looks like being weak. I can't bear the harm of the "then" so I'm not enjoying my "now" too.
And this new principle appears to make one strong, which if one follows, will make him enjoy the present too and will give the courage to face his future. And anyway, who knows- how the future will be or whether it will be there.

This reminds me of a quote - "If you have built the castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put the foundations around them."

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kaise muze tum mil gayi! ;)

Today looking at the train and listening the song Kaise muze tum mil gayi, I remembered my college days when I used to travel everyday by local train in a large crowd. So whenever I would get seat, I used to feel like achieving something great. :D
I imagined getting the seat in train while listening the song. :D:D

kaise mujhe tum mil gayeen
kismat pe aaye na yaqeen
najar aayee train mein
jaise chaand utarta hai kabhi
hawley hawley
dheerey se
gungunati dhoop ki tarah se
tarannum mein tum
chhookey mujhe
guzri ho yun
dekhoon tumhe
sapne boonoo
tum ho sukoon
tum ho junoo
kyun pehle na
aayeen tum
kaise mujhe tum mil gayeen
kismat pe aaye na yaqeen

main to ye sochta tha
ki aaj kal
uppar wale ko fursat nahi
phir bhi
tumhe muze deke woh
meri nazar mein chadh gaya
rutbe mein woh
aur badh gaya
(imagine next part is sung by the Seat :D)
aa… aa… aa…
aa… aa… aa…
badley raaste, station aur patri
badley announcer ki tim tim

chhedhe zindagi dhoon koi nayi
badley barkha ki rimjhim
badlengi rituen ada
par main rahoongi sada
usi tarah
teri baahon mein baahein daalke
tera station
aane tak

aa… aa… aa…
aa… aa… aa…
zindagi sitar ho gayee
rim jhim malhar ho gayee
mujhe aata nahi
kismat pe apne yaqeen
kaise mujhko mil gayee tum!!

Leave the page immediately. Otherwise you will have to kill me. :P

Monday, March 30, 2009


Watched wednesday just now. Fantastic movie!! I loved watching it!! We all just keep saying that these terrorists should be sent to common people. "Public Dhulai" will do better than our system. But no-one takes a step forward.

Generally movies related to terrorism show the tips and tricks which will be helpful to terrorists. And terrorists must be using those tricks in their missions. But this movie has shown some technique which can help our system to implement the process of giving justice to common man as well as to all terrorists. Everything can not be categorized as legal or illegal. There is something called GOOD too.

The dialogue which touched me a lot was - "Jab terrorists hame marte hai, to wo sirf marte nahi, balki ek sawal karte hai- "Hum tumhe aise maar sakte hai, tum kya kar loge?" "

It makes me feel ashamed of myself.

One more dialogue

Now this is from "Life is Beautiful" -

“Think of a sunflower, they bow to the sun. But if you see some that are bowed too far down, it means they’re dead. You’re here serving, you’re not a servant. Serving is the supreme art. God is the first of servants. God serves men, but he’s not a servant to men”

A Strong.......

I had a discussion with a friend long back. The topic was - "who is stronger - A man or a woman?"
My opinion was that it depends on the circumstances we have gone through.
He said - "For me, mental strength matters!! It's the matter of exercise, not the god given gift."
I agreed that. But could get only half part of it. I thought the definition of strength is "To withstand". If I'm strong, I can withstand. If I'm physically strong, I can carry anything, I can do any physical activity. If I'm mentally strong, I can bear any frustration. I won't speak up a single word against it. My definition used to end here.

But when I watched 2 movies - "The Pursuit of Happyness" and "Life is Beautiful", I got the complete definition of Strength. Strength is not only to withstand but Strength is "To withstand and To recover from the injuries quickly to withstand still more."

There are so many of such strong ones around us. But the one who never forgets to smile and never hurts anyone next to him is the Strongest. :-)

I'm lucky to have such strong ones around me and specially to realize the strength inside them.


Some dialogues from the movie - The Pursuit Of Happyness

Christopher Gardner: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Christopher: All right.
Christopher Gardner: You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it.

Christopher Gardner: I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was.

Shoe-Spotting Intern: Hey, you're missing a shoe.
Christopher Gardner: Oh, hey, thanks!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My Journey

Among all the journeys between mumbai-pune, yesterday I found myself doing something different. Usually I sleep putting earphones in my ears listening songs.
This journey was full of meetings with friends. Surprisingly!!
Yesterday, I met a friend Sheetal who was with me in the first year of engineering. We talked a lot about our *memories* in college. I don't even remember what talks we had when we were together. We are not even in contact now. But we enjoyed yesterday. And she was the first who didn't complain for not replying to her messages or for not calling her up. :D

Then a friend from Amdocs got a call from another friend(Vaibhav i guess) from vjti telling him that he and few others were in the same train. All who were with me, went to meet them (I stayed with Sheetal). When one of them came back, he told me about Joji, who was in my class for a month in vjti, (This was some strategy of vjti, shuffling the students from one class to another during the first year of engineering.) was in the coach which was on the way to go to Vaibhav's coach (D2).

After chatting with Sheetal, I went to meet them. This move from D5 to D2 was awesome. :D. At least 10 times, i must have said -"Excuse me!!" and "Sorry!!"

Sorry for waking people up (How people can sleep while standing? Wow!!! I also used to sleep in local train. But then also i used to have the support of all the ladies around me. :D).

I met everyone there. We could meet only for few minutes. It reminded me of the mischief we used to do in Labs and hence couldn't complete our project properly. :D

Change is necessary!! :-)

And I also wrote a blog in my cellphone as I got some more free time and had nothing to read or talk. I don't know when and if i will post that here. :-)

So this journey was different.