Sunday, November 8, 2009

Many Lives Many Masters

Probably, you will like to read the book before reading this post. I couldn’t stop myself writing about it. I’ll recommend you to read the book first.

Just for a break, I read some other book than Harry Potter’s. And it is “Many Lives, Many Masters” - A different book. It reminded me of "The Secret". I have heard it, not read! ;) I watched movie. The Secret says that there is someone around us who hears our wishes and fulfills them for us. There is always a Gennie given to everyone. But The Secret has only one aspect – To be what we want to be, to have what we want to have.
But this book – Many Lives Many Masters has tried to cover all the aspects of life. Or say – Lives. :)

It starts with the problems of an ordinary girl. Then it goes to reincarnation. Then it goes to reincarnations. (We can’t forget the plurality of reincarnations in the last sentence.) Yes. There are many lives described. Then this book moves to life after death. Floating in the air, watching the bright light, gaining energy, learning from passed life, summarizing the lessons we learnt from this life and then finally, the Master comes in this life after death. The Master who helps the spirit to learn what it has to. This Master helps it to renew itself. This master finally shows this spirit the direction to move, to move into a different body. All spirits don’t have necessarily the same master. There are many such. And also, the same spirit doesn’t have to have the same master in all the lives after deaths. In fact, in every life you learn some different aspect. And we can say that every master is given one aspect to teach it to us. And there are guardians too. They are around us when we are alive i.e. when we are in physical state. And they are the ones who give you dreams, intuitions. Everyone should listen to these guardians. “Oh shit! I had thought this would happen. I don’t know why but I had thought it. I should have believed my thought.” This kind of sentences, some or other time, we keep saying. These are intuitions; given by guardians. We should not ignore them. They are for us.

One more thing that I want to mention which is given importance in this book is – "Learning". We are here to learn; to progress. We keep progressing. Even if we are sitting quiet, our mind, brain never stops. It progresses. Sometimes while sitting empty, we recollect things that happened in the past. With that we prepare insight for that thing. And thus learn it thoroughly.

By getting more and more knowledge we can go closer to God. This is the only way. Also, if we have knowledge, we have fewer fears. With knowledge one can overcome all his problems. Isn’t it true? If we compare this to our daily life issues, for example, if we are lost at some place; if we have knowledge about some geography of that place we can find out the way to know the place we are at. By getting more and more knowledge we become god-like. We become master. Masters are also spirits like us. But they are grown up; fully learnt.

This is all written in the book. I’m not sure whether one can really remember of his past lives. But I believe that we reincarnate. Whatever stuff is given in the book, if we accept once, we will keep accepting. If we don’t want to accept the concept of reincarnation, then also we can read at least the messages by the masters. I think everyone should read it. Just to show you different aspect of life, death and the state between them. I have written much about book here. If someone, after reading this feels why I opened the inner story of book, then read the first line of this post. But still, read the book. It is written in a nicely.

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