Sunday, November 8, 2009

Add On..

If I compare this play of lives with our work; we are given a task. We do it. While doing we learn. Then after the task is finished we rest. There if we want we can do some reading. There also we learn. In both the states we learn. While doing task we are like we are in physical state. We feel pain, joy when we are physical state. And then while we are resting, we are renewing, sometimes summarizing the lessons of passed task. We regain energy and get prepared for next task. Same way spirits get prepared for next incarnation. The state of renewal is necessary. Tell all software companies’ CEOs to read this book. I have seen people in Amdocs, who have been leaving office at 1030, 1230 everyday. And they are doing this since a year or probably for years and years. Spirits will get ruined if they live in the same body for centuries. We need rest. Everyone needs to regain energy.

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