Friday, May 8, 2009

Analyse or not?

Many thoughts came and went. I didn't write them on paper. So they got exhausted. They didn't got any permanent value. I don't even remember what my mood was a day before.
Is it necessary to put thoughts, logic on paper? 
Lets try to answer - 

Just now I read about 2 types of counting here.

We all know this. Even I knew. But I never differentiated between the two. I never counted wrong though I didn't know about these types and their differentiation. Then how did I do that correctly? I knew few basic principles of counting and I applied them properly. This is very simple task. So we can say One who knows this differentiation and the one who doesn't know both will achieve it.

I compared this thing with attitudes of my two friends. Both are highly intelligent.
One always reads basic as well as advanced things of all technologies, even about human nature, thinking etc etc. He knows everything by words.
The other guy never reads other than basic. He doesn't even give existence to his thoughts. He always has to do with as few words as possible. He always wants to achieve right things.

One is more verbose other is less. 

Both of them appear to be exactly opposite. But both show the same behaviour at many situations. These behaviours look completely different. But the difference is only with the outer packing. The basic funda is the same. (This may be only my opinion about them.) Who knows?

Moral of the story -> Read or don't read, analyse or don't analyse, you should learn to apply things.

But There is always fun if you express, analyse things by words. Otherwise life will go boring. :) At least for me.

1 comment:

Uttam Rajaram Patil said...

whatt observation.....;-)