Monday, April 13, 2009

I don't know what should be the title of this post.

  • Not everything is meant to be learned. The things happening around you which you don't like is the good example of it. 

  • Being with people shows you the life which you see with your open eyes. Being alone shows you the life which you can't ever see with your open eyes. You need to close your eyes, to see inside of yours, to see your soul and ultimately to communicate with God. 

  • I am alone on my path of life, no matter where it leads me to. Life is the game of three of us - God, I and destiny. I'm tied to the rope, one end of which is tightly held by God. Destiny is the innocent child of God who is playing with the rope. It gives the jerk to the rope. Rope moves in the air along with you and keeps moving until I am hit by an obstacle. I enjoy every jerk and the move in the air. But I'm hurt when I’m hit by an obstacle. If I push myself more and more in the same direction as of the rope, the chance of getting hurt tremendously increases more. If I’m stable while moving with this flow, I will get hurt with small amplitude. And if I move in the opposite direction of the flow, I will be stable. I will never get hurt. Such people are called Monks. The people from first category, who push themselves along the direction of the rope, enjoythis moving a lot. But they also get hurt tremendously. If they can withstand the hit and recover themselves soon from it, they can prepare themselves to enjoy another move. Such people are called Strong. Reducing the ratio of time to recover from hit to the time to move in the air is the skill. One who achieves that, wins over the life. :)

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