Sunday, September 27, 2009

Harry Potter and Chamber Of Secrets

I finally got the whole day to read it and I completed it. Superb, fantastic, mind blowing, outstanding.. History! :D (Suddenly remembered of Himesh) As expected, the book was very nice! It had more peak point situations than the first one. Of course the first was more introductory and this started all the series of fascinating events ultimately making me forget all hunger and thirst.

Dobby, Ginny Weasley, Mr. Luciuos Malfoy, Prof Glideroy Lockhart, Nearly Neckless Nick, Justin, Colin, Peeve, Tom Riddle, all the founders of Hogwarts, Prof Binn, Mrs. Pomfrey, Prof McGonagall, Prof Albus Dumbledore etc. All the characters are so peculiar and so fantastically narrated by J.K. Rowling that getting to know about everyone is really an avid activity. And most important fact is that we can’t easily forget their characteristics. Fantastic job by writer! While reading many books, if some character appears after lots of pages, I have to go back to check who it was. But in this book, I never had to go back to recollect something in spite of having so many characters with weird names and so many new terms. Really nice! Now I came to know why people go crazy when they talk of these books.

Hermione is very much inspiring to me. The way she swallows the books and has all the information, she leaves the actuation in the mind. Sometimes I really wished to go back to engineering years and study like her where I wasted my months and months in I don’t know what.

Harry Potter has all the powers in built. But Hermione achieves them. She learns them on her own. So for me till now, she is more attractive. No wonder Harry is the Hero as he is the one who defeats all the evil. But without Hermione and Ron he can’t achieve what he did. I missed Hermione while reading the book when she was petrified by the monster. She didn’t turn back much even at the end of the book. So I’m eager to read the next book now. I want to see her soon.

I’m waiting if anyone gifts me the third book. I got first one from my mother. Second; I had to buy it as no one gifted me and I could not have waited. :D This time probably I’ll try to convince my father who believes sleeping is better activity for me than reading books as if I’m going to reduce more weight by reading books. :P

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