Saturday, October 31, 2009

Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban!

Please stop reading if you want to read the book. Probably I will reveal the suspense too. (I hope I’m not the last person to read Harry Potter books. I know a friend who hasn’t read it. So yes, I can put this line.. ;) )
Good book again! Once again I want to appreciate Rowling for her pleasant writing.
This book had so many things in it – Harry stuffs air in his Aunt Marge’s body and makes the balloon out of it, the night bus, the Crookshanks and Scabbers, their races, Prof. Remus Lupin, Boggarts – the creature who turns into one which you are afraid of, Hagrid becomes a teacher, his Hippogriff – the magical creature which harry rides and flies on, Hermione’s loads of study, Divination, Prof. Trelawney, Hogsmede – the town of magical things, all kinds of sweets sold there, firebolt – the fastest and the most efficient broomstick of Quiddich, Sirius Black and his secret, Dementors, The patronous, Gryffindor’s victory of Quiddich Cup, Scabbers’s Identity, Hermione’s time turner, so many new things.. The most important is to say that everything is interesting. Really Joanne, I’m in love of your imagination!
I went crazy when Hermione’s secret was revealed - The time turner. I wonder what I’d do if I get something like this. I’ll waste it I know. Before getting something like this I need to learn something first. Swati, you will definitely make use of it to make your day of 48 hours and would read 3 times more books than you read now. :P
The end of the book was as usual nice! I was extremely happy when harry gets the owl post from Sirius as if I only got it. :D
Harry, you are a hero! But Hermione still inspires me more! :)

1 comment:

Swati said...

oh yes, true :) I would read more books given that much time!

Azkaban is definitely the best out of HP books! After the 3rd one, her writing declined! But nevertheless read all to know more :)