Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vodafone ads

I got to know that the ad film-maker is Prakash Verma and those creatures are called Zoozoos. It's a fun to pronounce this word - Zoozoos~~~~~~~~~ :D

And fascinating thing is that they are not animations. They are human- beings wearing those cute costumes. Nice na? 

For more information - Click!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Reading - "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps!!"  See the title - It itself differentiates us using words don't and can't :(

God, I'm very angry with you today!! You have done partiality while distributing gifts to men and women.

You have made men to live for themselves. And we are here just to make others happy!! I'm angry!! Really angry!! :-X 

I'm still going to read this book completely. I want to know what injustice god has done to me, and to know what I'm yet to learn more.

So far, I can believe whatever written in first 2 chapters. The experiments given proved right for 75% times for me. Still, I have my opinion about it. I think it is better to talk about when the book is read completely.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vodafone Ads!!

Vodafone must have got a nice ad-maker. I like their ads nowadays. Those all cartoons are really cute!! Specially the one in see-saw ad. And the themes are too nice! The theme of shower and small recharge: I just loved it. :)

The previous series of ads was also nice!

Good, vodafone ad-maker!!  Keep it up...... :)

Newspaper Stuff

  • Read a (good) news - The plan-making for disaster management in Mumbai is going to start now. This is to avoid the situations like the one occurred on 26 July, 2005 in Mumbai. 2009 is going on. After ONLY 4 years the plan-making is GOING TO start. It is going to take 2 years (planned so). Then the implementation WILL start  ;) and then it will be implemented. Oh, it's really a good news. :)
  • In the opinion of some people (read in newspaper) the option for negative voting must be provided. It reminds me of my Armed Force Medical Entrance Exam when I was scared of getting negative marks. :D. If such an option is really provided...... =))

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Books waiting..........

In last few months, I started many books to read and somehow I left them in half way. :(
Let me count the number of such books -
1)Anything for you Ma'am - read 3-4%
2)Dreams from my father by Barack Obama - read 2-3%
3)Why men don't listen and women can't read maps - 10% ( I have temporarily lost this book somewhere :( I know I'll get it. :) )
4)Head First Java - 80%
5)Design patterns - 50%
6)OOAD - 1% :D ( just started)
7)The manifestation of silence - 1% :D:D
8)Brida - 5%
9)The three mistakes of my life - 50%
10)The Elements of Style - 25%
11)If tomorrow comes - 50% ( I'll have to restart it)

I love browsing the books in shop. I feel like buying many of them and then realize that I still have books remaining. I took a book to buy and kept it back at the time to pay. I did this 3-4 times, but last time I couldn't control myself. Now I'm not gonna go to any book shop until I finish 2-3 of from the above list. I say it always, but I also happen to go to book shop and cycle continues. ;)

I really don't understand how time flies. Such is the life of a moody person like me! :(  ;)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A day with less words!!

In the morning itself I had decided to speak less today. And I did that. This was fun for some time. I may have irritated others with this activity but some people must have got relief for a day. :P

Sometimes it is nice to take such breaks. You can conserve energy. You will work more. And you will not complain that people are not talking to you. ;)

If I get less to talk, I get bored many times. But today I didn't get bored at all. So now onwards if I get less to talk, I will make that day for oath of silence (maun vrat). But I won't like to make the habit of less speaking. It is injurious to my health. :D

Thursday, April 16, 2009

थोडंसं मराठी!!

पु. लं. च्या हसवणूक पुस्तकातल्या प्रस्तावनेतलं एक वाक्य -
"जन्म आणि मृत्यू या दोन टोकांमध्ये पकडून नियतीने आपली जी फसवणूक केली आहे ती लक्षात आली की आपल्या सभोवतालच्या लोकांची हसवणूक केल्याशिवाय गत्यंतर उरत नाही"

Pic of the day!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Peace for Others ;)

This phase of my life - being independent.  (Nice dialogue!! :D)

 I had a habit to expect some comment from people for whatever I say, do to them. But now I realized that only few people do comment. I am one of them.

I would just keep waiting for comments.  My purpose behind that was to know the opinion of the next person for my actions.

But now I think I should not wait for that. I'm (or my actions are) not so special that people will feel like commenting for them :D

This will make me think less on my actions. And also I myself will review my actions and I won't have to be dependent on others.

And I think even I should stop boring people with my extra-commenting. ;)  So now, people around me will be relieved. :P

Monday, April 13, 2009

I don't know what should be the title of this post.

  • Not everything is meant to be learned. The things happening around you which you don't like is the good example of it. 

  • Being with people shows you the life which you see with your open eyes. Being alone shows you the life which you can't ever see with your open eyes. You need to close your eyes, to see inside of yours, to see your soul and ultimately to communicate with God. 

  • I am alone on my path of life, no matter where it leads me to. Life is the game of three of us - God, I and destiny. I'm tied to the rope, one end of which is tightly held by God. Destiny is the innocent child of God who is playing with the rope. It gives the jerk to the rope. Rope moves in the air along with you and keeps moving until I am hit by an obstacle. I enjoy every jerk and the move in the air. But I'm hurt when I’m hit by an obstacle. If I push myself more and more in the same direction as of the rope, the chance of getting hurt tremendously increases more. If I’m stable while moving with this flow, I will get hurt with small amplitude. And if I move in the opposite direction of the flow, I will be stable. I will never get hurt. Such people are called Monks. The people from first category, who push themselves along the direction of the rope, enjoythis moving a lot. But they also get hurt tremendously. If they can withstand the hit and recover themselves soon from it, they can prepare themselves to enjoy another move. Such people are called Strong. Reducing the ratio of time to recover from hit to the time to move in the air is the skill. One who achieves that, wins over the life. :)

Friday, April 10, 2009


So, finally I realized that there is no point in trying to answer the question that if I can like to spend time in Pune!! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fun in Randomness ;)

Last 2 days were nice as I didn't get time to pay attention towards inspiring people around me. (Why inspiring? If I would have posted few things which I wrote but didn’t post due to my laziness, it would have been cleared) :D:D

I had got so many issues to solve. This was little bit funny too. I observed that the applications and devices we use are random like me. :)

One problem arises due to my mistake, which causes the second problem to arise. And this second problem takes much time to get solved. During the course of trying things to solve the second problem, I come to know about the mistake I made to create the first problem. But then now what about the second problem? This isn't solved yet. So I try any relevant, irrelevant thing. And suddenly some irrelevant thing solves the problem. I say, "What rubbish!! How can this be the solution for this problem? This is not at all related to it." And then after searching the relevant information, I come to know that there is nothing illogical. The issue was only that I was not aware of the relation between these things.

Such scenarios happen many times as I am not aware of details of the application on which we are developing the packs. So ultimately, I am responsible for this random behavior of the application. Thus nothing is illogical.

My father always comes with some problem with my poorly configured PC. Sometimes I ignore the problems as I know my PC is not worth spending time with it. So I tell my baba that this is random behavior of our PC. Please ignore it. He always says,”PC is stupid. It never does random things. We do them unknowingly and curse the PC.” Even I know this. Everybody knows. But we behave like a lazy to find solution for such randomness. So I should stop calling things random and start finding solution on them. :)

May be, I'm also like these software applications. Am I really random? May be yes, may be no. Who knows?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I do this! :(

We get angry with the person who we feel very much close to our heart. We never show our anger to the person who is not close. We smile instead even if he hurts us. Thus we hurt them whom we don’t want to. And we please them who we don’t even care of.

Very common, true though. :)

Problem About Problem :D

I have come to conclusion for the topic of "Solving Problems", which (conclusion) may or may not last forever.
1) I should not try to solve the problems which are not problems.
2) I should not ignore the problems which are actually problems.
3) I should learn to differentiate between problems and non-problems.

To rephrase it - "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Way to something!!

Old Principle: "If you want something which is going to give you temporary satisfaction but is going to harm you in the future, then better neither want it nor get it."

New Principle: "If you want something, if you are dreaming of something and which is perfectly alright for now, but may harm you in the future, then go and get it. And when and if it harms you in the future, find solution for it." To think like this, we need courage. Courage to face the future. If you have it, then you can enjoy the present too. Why to think of the future now when you are not able to decide for your present?

The first principle looks like being weak. I can't bear the harm of the "then" so I'm not enjoying my "now" too.
And this new principle appears to make one strong, which if one follows, will make him enjoy the present too and will give the courage to face his future. And anyway, who knows- how the future will be or whether it will be there.

This reminds me of a quote - "If you have built the castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put the foundations around them."