Sunday, March 7, 2010


I believed it again – If you wish something, just make a true desire of it. Bring all positivity into it; from all possible means. Read self help books, meet people who inspire you, read their blogs, read inspiring articles, feel the positivity, bring it from anywhere. And then make the true desire. Destiny will have to give it to you.
And if you don’t get it, if you think you are not able to get all the positivity with you, then that thing is not for you; atleast at that point of time. You might get it at right time. That time, nobody will have to tell you to make a true desire and bring positivity into your thoughts. You’ll do it automatically and you’ll get it. We need to wait! :)

It reminds me of a mail once a friend had sent me. It said – Some people are like bamboo. Bamboo takes 5 years to get the first leaf on it. It takes time to get the power to grow. But when it starts growing, it hits the sky in short time. Bamboo is the tallest grass. So don’t ever criticize yourself. Keep building the power inside you. Positive results will have to come out once.

One more example another friend had given me. Filter coffee. Why filter coffee tastes better than ordinary coffee? Because it has undergone all processing with no shortcuts and no adjustments of taste. It takes time to get prepared. But once it is prepared it tastes the best. Same way we have to put our efforts in whatever we wish to do. Don’t lose faith in yourself. Move at your own pace. One day will be yours. :)

1 comment:

Prashant said...

Baapre kiti books vachte tu ! Gr8