Sunday, August 30, 2009


I like to write in Marathi as well! In fact, I always wrote my diary in Marathi! But Marathi typing is tedious here. I have found a new way to post my post in Marathi. See if one can read it! If it is not readable, I'll try to improve my hand-writing, and will set my camera to better settings! ;) Lets try the first one -

Sunday, August 23, 2009

-Feelings can be overwritten!

-For any excitement of emotions, best way is to stay quiet for sometime and then to express it.
I completed reading Harry Potter and Philopopher's Stone!
Nice read! Whatever I had heard about it , it was the same.
So many characters! And their nice baffling names! It will improve one's memory if tried to remember each character with its peculiarity.

Every chapter held me till the end. And I compared magic learning with software field learning and it was nice!

I'm keen to read next parts!

There are so many things to write about my experience of reading this book.
I couldn't (didn't) sleep properly in the recent week just to read this book. But my efforts were not enough. My struggle to read the book, days of joys spending time with friends as I was celebrating my birth week ;) and my new work kept me busy altogether and it made my week very nice!
The whole week gave me unexpected incidences! I always get bored on my birthday which was exactly opposite this time. I got unexpected wishes. I had wished to spend it with some people who couldn't come to meet me. And that didn't affect me even a little. I had nice and enough work which kept me busy and enjoying.
I should thank God for giving me such a nice week!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Last year

Today is the special day for me! Hence I thought like giving a thought on my past year.

Incidents happened to me:
1)First time I left home. :)

2)Exactly one year ago I had completed one day in my first project. I had got my first assignment. Yes, it is obvious to mention that here. I had realized badly that I had wasted my 4 years in college. I should have performed well and all. I had got a pretty nice shock that I don't know anything. :)

3)I got my (not first) salary.

4)My world changed drastically. Pranali who was all the time surrounded by atleast 4 people was all alone now. Loneliness teaches a lot!

5)For the first time the atmosphere around me (where I lived) didn't affect me at all, though it was not what I had wanted. It still doesn't. So now I want it. :D

6)First 4 months in Amdocs: My first project. I'm very very much grateful that I got that project and those people around me.

7)Reading became my hobby. I have read so much in the past year I had never read even 10-15% of it in any of the previous years. I should/could have read still much more.

8)I stopped liking bollywood's craps. Thanks to Sharan for giving me "The Kite Runner" to read.

9)Learned/learning to debate....

10)I got to observe people whom I'd like to copy. I feel no harm/shame in copying the things they do if I really adore their attitude and the things they do.

10)I stopped writing poems (by other poets), songs in my diary which was my all time favorite hobby. Very bad! I will start it again.

11)I realized that I can't leave my Mumbai at all.

12)I have started liking computers more and more.


Things which didn't change:
1)My weight. :D

2)I still didn't get back my interest in watching TV. Bad! :(

3)I'm still emotional.

4)I'm still away from jewellery, thinking about cloths, etc etc. Good for me, but not for my mother and sister. ;)

And there must be many things. I don't remember. :)


Books that I read :
1)The Kite Runner
2)Who moved my cheese?
3)How to mind map
4)The last lecture
6)What nobody ever told you
7)A "The Hardy Boys"
8)Race Against Time (by Enid Blyton I guess) Don't remember

There's a lotttttttttttttt to read!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Got to know few things:
1)When you smile everyone will want to meet you. So keep smiling! :)

2)Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (Got to read it somewhere)

3)Feelings, promises, friendship are made to be modified for your convenience.


This week was full of change.
1)Swine Flu:
The hottest topic of the week. When I entered Pune, I was surprised with almost all the people wearing masks. Oh my god! The whole picture was changed drastically.
Anyway, it didn't change my life much, except for the day when I wore that irritating mask for 2-3 hours as a precautionary measure (as it should be so). I could sleep early due to extreme headache. ;)
One may or may not be infected with H1N1, but this mask will definitely will try to kill him making him inhale carbon dioxide.
"Stay clean and use clean handkerchief to cover your nose when you are surrounded extremely by the crowd." This is fine to me.

It was nice to know that software companies are caring so much for their employees. :)

2)Confirmation of my module/team change:
I shifted to other module in the same project team. This work seems to be (more) challenging. Good for me! Now I hope I will have less work of handling my unstable mind and also my friends will be spared. ;)

There's a lot and lot to learn now. :)

I will be able to add stuff in my resume. :)

3)A journey in AC class:
Since long my friend wanted to try traveling in AC class. But miser I was postponing it giving excuses. This time giving the reason of precautionary measure against Swine Flu, we booked AC class's ticket. And I got bored there. The happening life gets vanished for me in such high-class environments. I'd like to live lively in little uncomfortable environments.

It will never end for me.I like to do it, so I won't complain. After long time I got to do it. Again a temporary change.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Add on previous post

The best part of this debate/ discussion…

Friend: You know, we boys many times think that these extra emotional girls read something somewhere and believe without verifying what they read. I myself have considered you as a person easily believing on thoughts of so called big people and have dominated you with my arrogant disbeliefs about them. I’m really sorry for having doubted intelligence of all emotional girls. When I started this debate I believed I will win it. I had a fake belief that whatever you said is just a read and has no base to it. But this is not true.

Pranali: Usually boys keep trying to prove themselves. Girls give up when discussions go on for long. Boys never do. Mad girls!

Friend: No. Girls are not mad. They are emotional. They don’t want to affect their relation with the person they are debating with. And hence they give up. But that doesn’t mean they are always wrong. It is just they don’t prove their side.

Pranali: True! It is like one speaks louder is always listened and believed.

Friend: Thanks for not giving up today and making me realize this too. :)

Pranali: :)

A debate

Yesterday while coming from Pune, I and my friend had a very nice debate! It was one of the best debates I have had till now (May be because I won it.:D). It started just with a small comment of mine on him. He said something that he can’t do it. And I just said – “If you think you can do it or if you think you can’t do it, you think right.”

Then the discussion went as follows -
Friend: This is only a thought made by big people which is published in some book and usually considered as a fact, which is not always true.

Pranali: How do you say that? If you say you can’t do something, how would you be able to believe on your ability? And ultimately you will result in failure.

Friend: I mean to say if you think you can do something, then you are right is not always true.

Pranali: (I’m reading “It’s not about bike” by Lance Armstrong, so his example came to my mind and I told him about it). This Lance Armstrong.. Once he had caught into a big accident and his legs were stitched. Doctor had told him to keep those stitches for 3 weeks. And Lance had some swimming training and along with that some swimming competition after 5 days. He couldn’t wait for 3 weeks. On 5th day, he cut all his stitches on his own and went for training. In the subsequent competition he stood third. The doctor himself couldn’t believe that after having such a huge surgery how he could win such competition. See, this guy had belief that he had the ability to swim in that competition.

Friend: He got famous, he wrote that book and hence you know that the thought you told above holds true. Think of some guy who was under the same situation. He also had that confidence and he went for competition. But in the mid of it, his legs got hurt so badly, that neither he won that competition nor he could swim at all after that. Such a person won’t get famous ever and won’t get to write about his experience. And even if he writes about it, that book won’t be famous as that person is not famous as he was failed in the competition. So you will never know that he believed he could do it but what happened? He lost his legs, and his belief got proved wrong.

Pranali: Even if he got hurt in the mid of competition, he must have swam for some distance which is also not possible for a person after getting caught into such huge accident. So still he won right? Now it depends on your definition of victory also.

Friend: But what had he thought? He can do it. But he couldn’t. So the above thought holds wrong. Whatever is your believed thought holds true only under some conditions. It is not always possible.

Pranali: If that person fails this time, if he tries next time he will win. If he fails again and he tries again, he will win. If he tries until he wins he will definitely win at some time. There is no end.

Friend: If while trying these things, he loses his legs completely, how is he going to win?

Pranali: See, you are putting abnormal conditions and then trying to prove that you are right. This is not fair. It is like you don’t have a computer and you say I can type on keyboard and I can see it on monitor though I don’t have computer. Without having the mean to do it, how would you ever think that you can do something?

Friend: I’ll give you an example of cricket match series which was held in Sharjah and it was a semi final match between India and Australia. If India was won, it’d have gone into finals. Sachin had told that he would play so well that he’ll take India into finals. He played really very well. But on a ball, umpire gave wrong decision and Sachin was told that he was out. Here, Sachin believed that he could have made India win the match. But he couldn’t. Now also your believed thought holds false here.

Pranali: Sachin believed his ability and he did as per that. Umpire’s wrong decision was an obstacle to his success, which was not under Sachin’s control. But he believed and he did as per his belief. He still had the ability to make India win the match.

Friend: But what is the result? Result made his belief to result false. So your believed thought is not always true. You should put *conditions applied* for it.

Pranali: I think you’re mixing things under our control and things which are not.
I’ll give you one more example. If you want to write a software or some piece of code which will work properly when it is embedded in some other code and in some properly working environment. If you think you can write it and you can make it work properly.

Friend: What if the environment goes wrong or the code in which I embed my code is itself wrong then what? It is not going to work, right? So again this thought went wrong.

Pranali: But here, did you yourself go wrong? There were other obstacles in your path which made your code don’t work. If it was nice environment and a properly working code in which you embedded it, your code would have worked.

Friend: That’s my point. Your belief is not always right. I know I can write code. But if obstacles which are not under my control come in my path then my belief will result false. So again you need to put *Conditions Applied* for your believed thought.

Pranali: Your code didn’t work. Reasons were other obstacles, not you. You have ability to write the code. Other things didn’t allow it to work; it doesn’t mean you can’t write code.

One simpler example, you know you can perform addition of any 2 integers. If I give you 2 integers you will add them correctly. Can you?

Friend: Yes.

Pranali: Now if you say I can add 2 integers using calculator. And now if calculator’s program is buggy then you won’t be able to add 2 integers correctly, right?

Friend: Right!

Pranali: So does that mean “you” can’t perform addition. Is it your ability that is doubted? So if you think you can do it, you are right.
Now if you think I can’t perform this addition using even a calculator. So you doubted your ability. Won’t your hands shiver while typing numbers on computer because you believed you can’t do that?

Friend: I think I’m brain washed. :D Let me think again. What was your believed thought? :D

Pranali: “If you think you can do it or if you think you can’t do it, you think right.”

Friend: I think I took the wrong meaning of it. I kept thinking about the actual happening of the event of our ability. Yes, I can do something if I really think I can do it. If I think I can’t do it, somewhere I’m lacking an ability to do it.

Pranali: Obstacles do come in path. But they don’t affect our ability. They only try to reduce the possibility of actual happening of event. But if I think I can do something I can do it, if not first time, next time. There is always a next time.

Isn’t it like Bhagvadgita’s message – “Fal ki apeksha na kar! And you’ll get the success of what you’re doing?”