Thursday, May 28, 2009

To be poetic........

All of a sudden I get to see the blog of a friend and I read it. He writes the poems in his blog - his own poems. And I wonder how poets find so many words and how they fit them in a proper sequence, in a proper rhyme! How can they express so nicely that the reader feels it touchy and to read it again and again! I wish I could write something like this to express my feelings so that next time when I read those poems I won’t feel that I’m reading a crap.
I hope somewhere down the line, I will learn to write something that I myself would respect my own words.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

tooooo many things......

First “The Hardy Boys” of my life:

I read it now. So early!! :D
I’m just a kid with respect to my reading activity. So it is not too late.
By the way, I enjoyed reading this book. I felt like watching CID. Nice book! The way Frank and Joe, the teenagers, are described as Heroes of the story, imagining small children doing such hard things was fun for me. :)

This was the first book of last 2-3 months which I read completely. I guess after “The Last speech by Randy Pausch”.


Busy me:

Last 2-3 weeks were of interesting work. I enjoyed lot of it, though there were many situations where I had done such huge mistakes that I felt embarrassed. I hope future will also bring nice work for me and I would learn to take interest in things I don’t like now but I have to do them. ShreeGanesha is done. Now the path following comes. I’m sure I’m going to fell down in lots of pits, as it is my old habit. ;) Standing again with all hurts is a fun. ;)


Everlasting topic for me. Better to accept the facts and to adapt to them (like Darwin’s theory of survival) than talking about people. I’m also a part of people. I enjoy/sometimes feel difficult to deal with them just because I’m weird. I can’t leave my weirdness. ;)


I have attended so many marriage ceremonies since my childhood; I’m really bored of it. Still I try to attend as many as possible if I’m invited, get bored there, curse for some customs and come back.
I like only one moment, when bridegroom places garland on bride’s neck. They both shy. How nice is the moment and how important for both of them! Life goes normal after few days, but that moment brings dreamy situations for them. It doesn’t matter whether it is arranged marriage or love marriage. Expressions on couple’s faces are just awesome. They would have enjoyed more if it was with small number of people instead of in the overflowing marriage hall.
Anyway, all rituals and customs are the big topic to write about. More on this some other time.



Started. More on this later when I will do it more. :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


How people like to get knowledge in Telecom/networking field, they only know.

Oh God, how boring it is to read a document of some device, to dig it to find which type of port can support which type of cross connect , especially when it is to dig out the information about shelf, slot and port values!

Why don't devices have common concepts like OOP has? There should be reason for everything. You shouldn't put things just in a table format and tell someone to read this table of 1000s of rows. There must be reason for every row, so one will find it nice to read.

Perhaps (or definitely) I haven't found the correct path to learn it. I know I haven't tried it much either.

Last time I tried to read a topic of networking. I read it and tried to prepare insight for that. But I didn't get the reason behind whatever I read. And if I don't get reason for anything I'm reading or anything I'm told to do, first thing I forget it. Second thing I get irritated.

I'm sure I'm wrong in saying that there are things without any reason. There must be some. But until I find reasons for thing I'm doing, learning I will remain bored of them. Let's see when I myself jump into enter this mesh of networks.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Am I still inside cocoon?

Result of current hot topic says - If you want to reciprocate to the curse, the only thing required is Victory. Rest all is waste.

Staying down to earth after getting victory must be difficult. Who knows? I never won in my life.In fact, I hardly have participated in any competition. I really don't remember I gave a tough fight to anyone. I have played a lot in my school days. But I don't remember I had ever won something. My games were just for fun. Never for winning or beating. And whenever I had participated, I was always beaten. I think I have lived very ordinary life. No competition, hence no victory. Nothing!! I wonder if I need Victory. No. I can't tolerate it. Better is to be the queen of my own world. :-) Butterflies never fight.

But in my dreams, I have seen many times that I'm trying too hard to get something and .....
And I never saw the result. Who knows what that indicates? Does it indicate that I should leave my butterfly nature sometimes atleast? I don't know.

I had never won even a debate except once. (I never needed to prove anyone that I'm right). And that was when I and Atul (a friend from Amdocs) were arguing on the topic veg Vs non-veg. Oh no, I had not won. It was just I who thought I won because I had proved him (or probably myself) that I was not wrong. Actually this topic is subjective and mainly depends upon the perspective of an individual. So Can't say who won. But I had given hard try to prove myself right.

After writing all this , I wonder if I'm still sleeping. :D

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Violent Pranali :(

I have a bad habit of hitting anyone without any reason, just for fun. :(
I got to watch a video on YouTube (Oh, I have unlimited Internet now. \0/ ), that showed, how badly a girl can hurt a boy by casual hitting as she is not aware of the pain a boy may feel. I won't paste a link here. I haven't stored it either. It was horrible with respect to the boy, but was nothing other than a fun for her who hit him.
Now onwards, I will avoid to make such violent fun.

A friend was convincing me not to take unlimited Internet scheme as it is not worth (slow, unnecessarily costly, etc etc). Now he'd be happy at least for saving him from frequent violence. ;)

Lessons for me

1. Don't ask question to anyone (not even to God), when you know the answer and specially when the answer can be "yes" or "no".

2. Don't stick to something/someone for long. If it is something, you will get bored, if it is someone, that person will get bored. ;) -> I had read some similar sentence in Swami Vivekanand's book. That was written in terms of attachment with work, with God, with religion etc. (I have bored my God a lot. :D. It is better to give him a small break. :) )

Friday, May 8, 2009

Analyse or not?

Many thoughts came and went. I didn't write them on paper. So they got exhausted. They didn't got any permanent value. I don't even remember what my mood was a day before.
Is it necessary to put thoughts, logic on paper? 
Lets try to answer - 

Just now I read about 2 types of counting here.

We all know this. Even I knew. But I never differentiated between the two. I never counted wrong though I didn't know about these types and their differentiation. Then how did I do that correctly? I knew few basic principles of counting and I applied them properly. This is very simple task. So we can say One who knows this differentiation and the one who doesn't know both will achieve it.

I compared this thing with attitudes of my two friends. Both are highly intelligent.
One always reads basic as well as advanced things of all technologies, even about human nature, thinking etc etc. He knows everything by words.
The other guy never reads other than basic. He doesn't even give existence to his thoughts. He always has to do with as few words as possible. He always wants to achieve right things.

One is more verbose other is less. 

Both of them appear to be exactly opposite. But both show the same behaviour at many situations. These behaviours look completely different. But the difference is only with the outer packing. The basic funda is the same. (This may be only my opinion about them.) Who knows?

Moral of the story -> Read or don't read, analyse or don't analyse, you should learn to apply things.

But There is always fun if you express, analyse things by words. Otherwise life will go boring. :) At least for me.