Saturday, June 30, 2012

hacking begins..

My first try (for ethical purpose) in hacking a live portal was successful :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

हा पाऊस मला अजिबात आवडत नाही. असा कोसळायला लागला ना की मला अस्वथ करून ठेवतो. - eldg  (माझ्या आणि अधीर च्या मनातली गोष्ट!) 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Extended Desktop - Extended Reading

Today, I could grab a spare monitor(screen) which was lying on someone's desk. And I rushed to connect it to my system. After playing with wires, now I have an extended desktop. 
Without extended desktop, while working on my tasks, if I'd get a pop-up of an interesting mail, I'd open it. I would skim over it and minimize it so that I can read it immediately after finishing my current task, which never happened. With this way I'd collect lots of emails, articles to read. At end of the day, before leaving if I remember to check my list, I'd read one or two and would leave. While working, if I'm stuck on some activity like running builds which last for a minute or so or Windows taking time to open a window, I would open my list of to-reads to pick one of the items. But still, to know if my build is finished, I'd keep switching between the windows which never resulted in effective reading. So I avoided this multi-tasking.

But now, with extended desktop, I get a pop-up of a mail, I open it, I drag  it to the new desktop and keep it open until I finish the current task. If I'm stuck on something I just need to move my eyes between desktops. Moving eyes is a lot faster than switching between windows and that too on Windows. Yipee!

Another benefit of this desktop is, I can keep distracting pop-ups on main desktop and keep the window where I want to focus on secondary one. 

Also, when I want to monitor 2 windows simultaneously, it's lot easier now.

Life is smoother now. I can also not lose the temptations of doing something immediately without forgetting of what I was doing previously. Like I wrote this post *now*... OK, enough of expressing the joy. Going back to do what I was doing.. ;)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Slow Wit 

Few days back, I came to know about the above link though a blog. And I tried to check what is so great about it. It was a review of Rockstar. I had liked Rockstar a lot and because it was the movie criticized by most of the people, I did want to read its reviews wherever I could. And I tried reading what this man had written. I was so frustrated/irritated. Not by the content of it. But by his style of writing. For me, his writing is one of the most difficult writings I had ever tried to read. And it's not only language which is difficult; it's his style of writing too. Sometimes he is sarcastic. If you are not getting the meaning words, then it is very difficult to understand the sarcasm. Then sometimes this guy is very fearless and hence so direct in condemning anyone/anything that I can't believe if he really meant that. And I get confused. This increases my frustration again. The content looks very interesting but I'm not able to understand it. I hate myself at such times. Then I start hating this man for making me hate myself. I know I'm becoming too aggressive. But the positive side is, I do want to understand this complexity. I don't want to miss it. And because of this strong desire and my tries, now I've started understanding most of what he writes. And I'm very happy about it. I will recommend it to everyone specially who like to read/write the reviews on movies and books.

And now I liked his review on Shanghai too. Do read it - 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

“Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” 
― Lance ArmstrongEvery Second Counts

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cycling again

Cycling after longggg time.. Could do because of my new home.