Sunday, July 26, 2009

Looking back....

I don’t want to be here.
I want to be with my mother.
I want my all folks with me.
My mother, my father, my sister and a little I; a complete family!
Mother will wake me up for school.
She will prepare my Tiffin. I’ll be ready for my school.
I and my sister will go together.
My mother will say bye, father will say bye and the little cat will peep from the window to see us going. Sometimes it will follow us.
Mother will take the cat in and we’ll keep gazing at our cat’s attachment to us.
In school, I’ll be the first ranker. I will have no complex of not knowing stuff.
I will also play cheerfully with friends.
I’ll rush to home early, forgetting my friends and keeping all the school matter outside I’ll hug my mother with an excitement of meeting after five hours. She will kiss on my head.
I’ll start playing with my cat.
My mother will have cooked the food for me. She’ll serve me and I’ll just have the task to eat it properly.
I’ll tease my sister, she’ll try to hit me and I’ll escape. If she wins hitting me, I’ll start my drama of crying until she says sorry.
My sister will help my mother in household work. That task won’t be under my realms of doings.
I won’t have to do anything other than playing with my cat, with my friends, watching TV and doing anything for myself, studying gracefully with no hard work.
I will have no responsibilities, no dues, no to-dos, nothing.
I’ll take a nap under my mother’s arms.
In the evening I’ll find someone to play with me. Even if I don’t find anyone, my cat will always be there for me.
Early we all four will dine together chatting with each other, I teasing my sister, my cat.
My mother and father will scold me for touching the dirty cat while dining.
Finishing all the work, we all will chat, we’ll play cards or some other indoor games and I’ll again sleep under my mother’s arms.
My all close ones will be around me. I won’t have to buy any phone call free plan to talk to my mother. I won’t need to be online to talk to my sister.
No one will have to find time from everyday’s busy schedule to talk to close ones. And still we all will be close.
It’s a dream! A very nice, relaxing dream!

Like a wise person, I’ll forget it soon, I won’t be emotional, I will be happy with whatever I have and not thinking of the things I don’t have.
I’ll continue my present life. I’ll look into my to-do list and will try to complete tasks in it.
Sometimes I’ll feel sick and there won’t be any one here to look after me as my mother always did. I’ll miss her, will drop a tear and I myself will wipe it and will forget the whole like a strong person.
I will make new friends; will try to adjust with them, when they’ll go away I’ll find others. I’ll try to find my sister in one of them. But I’ll never get my sister everyday along with me. I’ll never get to meet my close ones every day.
And still I’ll pretend to be content because I have a good job, I earn enough money and I have all seemingly nice things with me.
When everyone’s moving forward, I’m looking back.
Am I too orthodox?
Am I not practical?
Am I not mature to understand what is good for being wealthy?


Anonymous said...

why look back? If the memories were bad would you? So it is the good memories that you are seeking and not the past really. The present can be good as well. It is just a matter of perspective. Life moves on. If you check with your parents and sister - you'll find out that though they cherish the moments of the past - they want you as well as themselves to move ahead! Wealth and work are just facets to it. It is the journey that is important and will be counted.

Pranali Brahmankar said...

I'm sad because work, wealth are given more importance than living with family. And unfortunately, this is the practical way to live life (so called) happily.
I'm jealous with everyone who gets to see his parents everyday. :)
Btw, I ran away today from office to meet my parents. :D

Anonymous said...

It is your choice what you give importance to! Different people in different phases give importance to different things :)

You ran away from office to meet your parents and you are spending time online ?? :)

Prashant said...

Hey you can atleast meet thm once in a month. What about me?

I am sacrifying some important moments.