Monday, March 30, 2009

A Strong.......

I had a discussion with a friend long back. The topic was - "who is stronger - A man or a woman?"
My opinion was that it depends on the circumstances we have gone through.
He said - "For me, mental strength matters!! It's the matter of exercise, not the god given gift."
I agreed that. But could get only half part of it. I thought the definition of strength is "To withstand". If I'm strong, I can withstand. If I'm physically strong, I can carry anything, I can do any physical activity. If I'm mentally strong, I can bear any frustration. I won't speak up a single word against it. My definition used to end here.

But when I watched 2 movies - "The Pursuit of Happyness" and "Life is Beautiful", I got the complete definition of Strength. Strength is not only to withstand but Strength is "To withstand and To recover from the injuries quickly to withstand still more."

There are so many of such strong ones around us. But the one who never forgets to smile and never hurts anyone next to him is the Strongest. :-)

I'm lucky to have such strong ones around me and specially to realize the strength inside them.

1 comment:

Pranali Brahmankar said...

Today I read this post once again.. And now I'm missing such strong people around me. Or rather I miss to observe the strength. :(