Monday, October 6, 2008


This was written on 4th Oct.


Today we met with a small storm. It was around 5 in the evening. I had come to Mumbai on weekend. I was taking a nap. And suddenly I got up hearing the noise of stormy wind. I shut all windows and was observing the things happening. All trees were struggling to hold their existence in ground. Lightening had made a spark with the electric tower in front of my home. I was watching all these things from glasses of my window. Suddenly thought of clothes which were kept to get dried out in the balcony, struck to me and I opened the door of balcony. As soon as opened it, all the drops of water started breaking into the bedroom. Anyhow I managed to collect all the clothes and books which I had kept in a cupboard in the balcony. After all this happened, a thought came in mind. How strongly we are protected in home!! A minute before opening the door of balcony, I was safe behind the walls of home. Just a step out of it made me realize the existence of safety under the roof. I Hat off to all civil engineers for this reason. (Though we always fight that software engineers are better than civil ones :D)

            Same way, we are safe under mother’s roof. But when we enter just a step out of it, we realize the absence of it. This phase in my life has showed me lots of things that I didn’t have imagined also. 

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