Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Amdocs gives lots of surprises!! Today we got one more surprise!! We four from freshers' batch were selected for Invoicing (Team in project APDO). Few days ago we came to know that 2 from us were shifted to A&F(Another team in the same project). Now we 2 – I and Prakash were remaining in invoicing. Today Prakash was told to shift to A&F. So now I am alone here in invoicing. Let’s see what is next.

Anyway, Everything happens for the good. So Lets hope for the best!! J

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Quote

I found a quote by Ray Bradbury in one of the posts of my friend's blog. 

If you can't read and write you can't think. Your thoughts are dispersed if you don't know how to read and write. You've got to be able to look at your thoughts on paper and discover what a fool you were.

Very True!!




Yesterday I read a book – Chuknyapurvi. It’s a non-fiction, written in Marathi. I had read it 1-2 years ago too. I had liked it. Today while arranging my books properly, it came into my sight. And I felt like reading it. It’s very nice. While reading, 60-70% times I felt it is written for me only. It’s a kind of psychological book, small and divided into 15 sections. Each section focuses on the particular nature of a human. I liked it because it answered my questions. And we like every that thing which reciprocates us as per our need.

            I got to know a new term in psychology – Type ‘A’ personality. For such personality, work is the worship. They never get bored. They keep doing something. So there must be Type B and Type C personalities too. I would love to know what kind they are of. This post will be edited when I will get to know about them. 


This was written on 4th Oct.


Today we met with a small storm. It was around 5 in the evening. I had come to Mumbai on weekend. I was taking a nap. And suddenly I got up hearing the noise of stormy wind. I shut all windows and was observing the things happening. All trees were struggling to hold their existence in ground. Lightening had made a spark with the electric tower in front of my home. I was watching all these things from glasses of my window. Suddenly thought of clothes which were kept to get dried out in the balcony, struck to me and I opened the door of balcony. As soon as opened it, all the drops of water started breaking into the bedroom. Anyhow I managed to collect all the clothes and books which I had kept in a cupboard in the balcony. After all this happened, a thought came in mind. How strongly we are protected in home!! A minute before opening the door of balcony, I was safe behind the walls of home. Just a step out of it made me realize the existence of safety under the roof. I Hat off to all civil engineers for this reason. (Though we always fight that software engineers are better than civil ones :D)

            Same way, we are safe under mother’s roof. But when we enter just a step out of it, we realize the absence of it. This phase in my life has showed me lots of things that I didn’t have imagined also. 

Start in amdocs

I had written this post on 4th Oct. But due to server problem I couldn’t publish it.



Two months over in amdocs. I joined on 4th august. That day was the start for two things- days in amdocs and days away from home. I got very less experience of training as compared to others as we 4 got the project very early. That was decided according to our project requirement. Other 3 were from different colleges than mine. The day when we got into project was the first surprise in amdocs (As far as I know, I have had very few surprises in amdocs). I call it surprise because I had never thought of getting the project so early. Then on the same day I got the first assignment in amdocs. Handling some difficulties I could finish the assignment but with some delay. So the start was not so good. Still I was little bit happy that I could finish the assignment. Who knew that the way I had made it was not the required professional way, which I came to know just yesterday when I saw the actual required format? After around 1 or 2 week we got one more assignment. I finished that also with some delay. I was not satisfied at all with that one. My colleagues had helped me in that. In fact, when I finished that I didn’t feel that I had applied my brain in an effective way. Before I had finished that assignment I had already got the other new assignment. That day I realized the tension which approaches when we have more than 1 thing to accomplish and all are not so easy. Then again as I have said earlier that my colleague helped me, I could complete it. Anyway, to let somebody see that I have done my work (though with some delay) was important at that moment instead of how I had done it. I was not satisfied at all. But there was another assignment in my sight. The assignment was divided among our group. So now this time I was to achieve it on my own. But I had to take help from somebody for some or other reason. This is also true that without taking help we can’t achieve things when they are new for us. I still haven’t finished that assignment. Now the chain of assignments is going to continue. The important thing is how much I learn from them. Till now I could have only realized that if I am able to make myself aware of the things in my project as early as possible that would be better for me. When I can’t achieve things on time, I get frustrated. At such times we need some inspiration (At least I need). Some people can inspire themselves, others like I need somebody to inspire. I need to change this attitude.

            There are lots of things which I need to learn. It’s essential for me to learn them as early as possible, if I want to survive in this world of competition.


            I have written this post, when I’m frustrated. So it may appear that I’m under great strain that I don’t get to live happy moments in amdocs. But this is not true at all. I have got good friends. I am really enjoying this new era in my life.