Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Respect one's privacy

I hate when someone interferes with my privacy which I don't intend to share. Afterall, I have right to hide things about *my* life. It's my life. I will disclose when it's the right time. Why can't people wait and watch? I'll tell when I'll feel comfortable. As long as you are not involved in the matter, why do you care? I'd appreciate your patience. 

1 comment:

monu said...

First writting here is not interfering in your privacy thus I'm taking risk to post my comment on this blog :D
Second this much of aggression, great the same peak level of aggresaion I have when someone interfer into my privacy and I guess it obvious for everyone that no one would like it.

It's not something like that I dont have interfered into someone's privacy and yes I did mistake few times. I see two cause of It that why people do interfer into somebody personal life. First we might be one of those valuable people for whom they care. Second they like to interfer to disturb or for fun or time pass into someone personal life. Like I cant freely talk to a single person on gmail chat in office since few people always show their intention to know the person name and text message that doesn't matter to anyone.