Friday, August 13, 2010

Sometimes we like something a lot.. We are mad for it... We always go for it. Suddenly we realize that it is making us ignore something which was/is very important for us. And we start sopping our move towards this thing which we like a lot. We concentrate on the thing which is important. Suddenly after long time, we think of going for the same thing again as now we have given enough to the important thing. And we don't find it that interesting.. Most of the time we lose interest completely in it. Does it happen to me only?


Prashant said...

too complicatedto understand what u have written

Pranali Brahmankar said...

I don't understand how to explain it in other words. ok, let's try again -
1) I like thing A now, B is important to me. This is at time t1.
2) At t1 only, I always go for A or I always do A, I always do A whenever I get time. Here, unknowingly I ignored B.
2)At time t2>t1, I realized I'm ignoring B which is important. So I stopped going for A. At this t2, I don't do A, I don't do A. This goes on.
3)At time t3>>>t2, I have given enough time for B, there I remember of A and I start doing A. But now at this t3, I don't find A that interesting or rather I lose interest in it.

monu said...

first time it was little complex to understand, but when i read it second time it became simple to realize the content.That's happen not only with u it's human tendency,most of us don't know how to decide priorities in life some people able to do it but others still struggling .In t1 time u focus on A but time change to t2 ur priority becomes change and instead of A u put B on high priority and time t3 u went for A becoz now i realize something different or change ur priorities again ..
mantra :- try to make things as much as simple in life and set the priorities for A and B both and it make u able to give time on both A and B.