Friday, July 31, 2009

Networking revisited........

Networking has got auspicious days as someone has started reading about it. :D

Few posts ago, I had cursed networking for being boring, not as good as programming etc etc. But now, I won’t curse it. I won’t make any statement comparing programming and networking now as I really don’t know much about any of these fields. My knowledge in both of the field is 0.0……1% (any number of Os can be put in place of dots). But I’m glad that I have made a start. And thanks to headfirst series.

I was madly searching for any good book about networking and suddenly I got to see this Head First Networking. I had become very happy to see the book there. I started reading it. And now I finished it. And today I’m really really feeling that “Yes, I know something.” Few days ago I had started having hatred for networking due to many reasons. But now, I liked whatever I read. So I’m happy. I was never so glad after reading any technical book. 

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Whenever something happens which is not I wished/wanted, it always brings something good out of it.
In last few months so many things happened which I didn’t want to happen. And such things are still happening! How lucky I am!! :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Looking back....

I don’t want to be here.
I want to be with my mother.
I want my all folks with me.
My mother, my father, my sister and a little I; a complete family!
Mother will wake me up for school.
She will prepare my Tiffin. I’ll be ready for my school.
I and my sister will go together.
My mother will say bye, father will say bye and the little cat will peep from the window to see us going. Sometimes it will follow us.
Mother will take the cat in and we’ll keep gazing at our cat’s attachment to us.
In school, I’ll be the first ranker. I will have no complex of not knowing stuff.
I will also play cheerfully with friends.
I’ll rush to home early, forgetting my friends and keeping all the school matter outside I’ll hug my mother with an excitement of meeting after five hours. She will kiss on my head.
I’ll start playing with my cat.
My mother will have cooked the food for me. She’ll serve me and I’ll just have the task to eat it properly.
I’ll tease my sister, she’ll try to hit me and I’ll escape. If she wins hitting me, I’ll start my drama of crying until she says sorry.
My sister will help my mother in household work. That task won’t be under my realms of doings.
I won’t have to do anything other than playing with my cat, with my friends, watching TV and doing anything for myself, studying gracefully with no hard work.
I will have no responsibilities, no dues, no to-dos, nothing.
I’ll take a nap under my mother’s arms.
In the evening I’ll find someone to play with me. Even if I don’t find anyone, my cat will always be there for me.
Early we all four will dine together chatting with each other, I teasing my sister, my cat.
My mother and father will scold me for touching the dirty cat while dining.
Finishing all the work, we all will chat, we’ll play cards or some other indoor games and I’ll again sleep under my mother’s arms.
My all close ones will be around me. I won’t have to buy any phone call free plan to talk to my mother. I won’t need to be online to talk to my sister.
No one will have to find time from everyday’s busy schedule to talk to close ones. And still we all will be close.
It’s a dream! A very nice, relaxing dream!

Like a wise person, I’ll forget it soon, I won’t be emotional, I will be happy with whatever I have and not thinking of the things I don’t have.
I’ll continue my present life. I’ll look into my to-do list and will try to complete tasks in it.
Sometimes I’ll feel sick and there won’t be any one here to look after me as my mother always did. I’ll miss her, will drop a tear and I myself will wipe it and will forget the whole like a strong person.
I will make new friends; will try to adjust with them, when they’ll go away I’ll find others. I’ll try to find my sister in one of them. But I’ll never get my sister everyday along with me. I’ll never get to meet my close ones every day.
And still I’ll pretend to be content because I have a good job, I earn enough money and I have all seemingly nice things with me.
When everyone’s moving forward, I’m looking back.
Am I too orthodox?
Am I not practical?
Am I not mature to understand what is good for being wealthy?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I want to scream, scream and scream!! Just like a mad! Yes I'm mad. Call me mad. Doesn't matter. I want to scream. For no reason, for nothing!! I know that I didn't get anything special, not even what I want and ask for everyday. Still I want to scream! Scream, scream and scream!!


For screaming like this: No criteria, No Pre-requisite! You don't need to have something to scream. Just scream!!!! :)

Once more – “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……………….”

Friday, July 3, 2009

Beautiful Soul

Nowadays I'm in love with the song "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney. It is just awesome!!!


Read "Brida", "What nobody ever told you", Watched "New york", "The Secret" etc etc...

I didn't like "What nobody ever told you". :)
Liked both the movies!

And about Brida? Nice start of the book! It impressed me absolutely by answering few nice questions. I was really glad when I read those weird questions and answers to them. Like - What is soul mate? What are our bodies made up of? etc etc. A person who likes to see behind the visible world would really like to read those answers. The definition of soul mate was amazing. Who knows? That must be true too, if one wants to believe.

Then book went fluttering somewhere. It was very boring on few pages. But still I can say it was not waste to read it.