Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Kite Runner

For the first time I read a fictitious story which is altogether different than the novels I had read till now. It showed me the different world of stories. In my opinion, watching a movie is the same thing as reading a novel. The only (huge or small) difference is that novel gives more satisfaction than the movie (at least to me).

I have seen many Bollywood movies. And I like almost all the movies I watch at least for the first time. I call some movies crap when I watch them second or third time (with some exceptions). Fortunately or unfortunately the number of exceptions is very high. :D

I like all the emotional melodramas. Many times they make me cry too. :D

But when I read this novel – The Kite Runner, on completion of it, the first thought came in my mind was – “Why did I like those emotional movies which are totally unreal?” In Bollywood movies, the main character is always divine. This character has all good (say best) qualities in it from birth. This character is unselfish, trustworthy and ……and the list will not end. :d

This never happens in real life. We learn from experiences, from the people around us. We can’t always behave the same way as we had behaved some years ago for the same situation. Everything changes even we do. 

I observed this reality in this novel. We can see how the main character of this book – Amir goes on changing himself or we can say destiny makes him change himself. Though in the initial part of the book we don’t get impressed much by his temperament, at the end we do. I liked this thought lot. We are not God. We are humans. There are some people in the world who are divine. But the count is incredibly less. But it doesn’t mean the others can’t behave like those divine people at certain situations. It is we who have to make choice in our life. It is we who have to decide what to give priority to. If we could make better choice always, we are on the path of becoming divine. For me, there is nothing like divine. I am human. I can become better human than what I was. Becoming divine is not in the realm of my possibility. There is God. We can’t be like him. And we are not supposed to be. If we try to become better and better every day, every single moment of life, then this is the correct path we are moving on. So I would say, if we could make better choice always, we are on the path of becoming better human rather than divine. And this process of making better choice can be learnt only by experiences. We have to decide, only our experiences or others’ too. This is what I could observe in this book. We need to be sensitive enough to feel what the writer wants to tell us. In fact we should always be witty for the things happening around us. This is the only way to get involved in the outside world. And we should involve because every minute thing happening around us is to teach us something.

 If I keep reading such books, I will save my time on watching all crap melodramas. :D


1 comment:

Prashant said...

i hv also read this book n you hv rightly arrived at the decision about preferring such books rather thn watching crap movies.
Its really a good book.