Monday, December 31, 2007

marathi paul padte pudhe

We always keep on saying "मराठी माणूस मागे पडत चाललाय"
But I read today’s Maharashtra Times and then I came to know that my belief was so wrong. There are many Marathi people who have crossed the limits and have reached so far that we can not even think about it. The whole newspaper focuses on the doings of the people who have been strengthening their spheres of knowledge and at the same time making the use of it for the benefits of other humans.
One of the names given is Dr. Vivek Ranganekar. His discovery of a gene preventing the generation of cancer cells has provided a new footstep in the fight of cancer. His discovery has resulted successful in mice. If this makes a desirable effect in humans also then this will be one of the noble discoveries in the world.
Another name is Amit Joshi who is a Nano-technician. He is holding the challenge to find out an anti weapon for the virus of Anthrex.
Mr.Vikram Pandit has been selected for the post of CEO of the largest international City Group bank. He is the first Indian who has got such a great position in the field of finance.
Mrs.Sheetal Gavankar is the head of the marketing department of the Zaylinks (Spelling may be wrong) company of the Silicon Valley. She is taking many efforts in order to spread the information about the products of the company all over the world. The company makes the Application Specific ICs. Reading this who will say that Marathi women are lagging?
Dr. Gangadhar Maddivar – Medical surgeon in Ameriaca
Mr. Subhash Gaitonde – Businessman in the Construction field of America.
The list is so large.

Now I won’t say that marathi man is lagging behind but I will say that he needs to be more keen to build his existence in this world.

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