Saturday, May 29, 2010

And this -
my favorite! -

हे भलते अवघड असते
कुणी प्रचंड आवडणारे
ते दूर दूर जाताना
डोळ्यांच्या देखत आणि नाहीसे लांब होताना

lyrics is awesome if you understand it and feel it correctly.

Picturization would have been far better if a girl leaving her friend , both on railway platform, girl inside the train and the boy standing out near the window, girl not aware of her hidden love for him and boy aware of his feelings for her, hence being upset to say her bye and his condition would have been explained as it is clearly done in the lyrics. This is what I had imagined every time I heard the song. It would have justified the lyrics. Fantastic lyrics. I feel very good to know Marathi as I can feel what this guy (Sandip Khare) says in his poems. Fantastic, go on Sandip, go on! आजचा ऑस्कर तुलाच! :)

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