Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I was going through all the posts of mine..
I found one I had written but didn’t post it. I don’t know why.

This phase is to teach me new lessons. Lessons are not easy. Fortunately or unfortunately they are related to people.

*Lesson no 1: Avoid emotional attachments with people.

To transform yourself from an emotional person to unemotional. In real words, Kill your emotions.

They are going to hurt you in any way. So don't give them such chance to do so. ;)

Ways in which they will hurt you:
1)They won't live as per your expectations.
2)You won't be able to live as per their expectations. :D
3)You both will fulfill expectations of each other. But destiny will separate you. Thenga!! :P
And many more... (List will grow as you will get more experiences.;) ) (Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. :P)

Keep safe Distance.

*Lesson no 2: Forget the lesson number 1 when you are with your parents. :)

To make you love your parents more.

They always live for you. Though you will feel them more interfering, they are just caring for you.

Ways in which they'll care for you:
1)They will ask you thousands of times, What are you doing my dear child? Have you had your lunch, dinner etc. Have some rest!! etc etc.
You get angry when they ask so. But if your friend asks you so (the one who is going to hurt you), you feel nice.
2)They allow you to ignore them. Still they ask you above questions.
3)Even if you hurt them at extreme level, they will come to you back asking above questions again.

Respect your parents.

There was third lesson too which was again beautiful. But I don’t want people come with questions. :D


monu said...

I appreciate whatever you have mentioned why because passing through this phase in our life and dare to write in words is not easy for everyone. I felt many times to write my past experience on same phase that you have gone through. But whenever i start to write and remember my past i stop myself to write anything because it brings my pain back and i move to another article. Then i realize, i still need some more time to get more strong and would be able to post my comment on this blog. :)

Pranali Brahmankar said...

I'm shocked you call this as my strength. I think when a girl resists expressing, then she is strong but when a boy resists the avoiding of expressing then he is strong. :D