Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's so funny to see people trying to be over smart; to show that they are right even when they themselves know that they are not.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

माझे सिनेमा वेड

सध्या मी फारच फिल्मो की दुनिया मध्ये असते. Fortunately, गेल्या काही दिवसात छान छान movies, serials बघायला मिळतही आहे.  मी ज्या कुठल्या भाषांमधून कलेचा आस्वाद घेते त्या सर्वच मला भरभरून देत आहेत.. मराठीतली "एका लग्नाची दुसरी गोष्ट" मधली कुहू मला फार भावली होती. हिंदी  मधले Barfi,  English Vinglish, हे दोन्ही सिनेमे सध्या जोरावर आहेत. मागच्या महिन्यात मी ५ वेळा theatre मध्ये गेले आणि फक्त ३ पिच्चर  बघितले.  त्यात Barfi २ वेळा आणि English Vinglish २ वेळा. I'm thinking of making hat-trick for Barfi. :D English मध्ये I have become a big fan of Nolan brothers. The whole Batman series amazed me. Person of Interest ने तर मला अगदी वेडं केलं. I have bored my roomie and my colleagues with the dialogues of POI. Thanks Mohsin.. you were such a great help :P

So, after many years I've again started living in the world of movies. मला माहितीये मला ते महागात पडणार आहे. :D Need to concentrate on work now.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Sun khankhanati hai zindagi
Le hame bhulaati hai zindagi
Jo karna hai woh aaj kar
Na isko taal baanwre

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Barfi Day

What a wonderful day it was! 36kms of driving, next part of the day in competing over the dialogues of POI's season I with Mohsin and calling each other by names of the characters we liked in it, then 2 hours of badminton, 1 hour of POI's first episode of season II and then at the end of the long day, "English Vinglish" - the amazing movie of the week! That happens when you don't have work. I hope tomorrow would be Finch day ;)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Person of Interest!

Every episode starts with following voice -

"You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you. Crimes the government considered irrelevant. They wouldn't act, so I decided I would. But I needed a partner, someone with the skills to intervene. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You'll never find us, but victim or perpetrator, if your number's up...we'll find you."

And that's the series about. About this mysterious machine and the people working on its output.

[Disclaimer: If you want to fully enjoy this series, I'd suggest you, as I do for every great movie/book/series, not to read ahead or any other reviews, directly go and watch the series itself to enjoy the mysteries.]

So this series is about this mysterious machine and about the people working on its output. This machine, unquestionably, will impress you of its algorithms and the way it works. But the person who has built it, Harold, will astonish you in almost every episode by his intelligence. 

This machine on identification of the crime, gives out only a social security number. You won't know if it is of the victim or of the perpetrator. You won't know what's going to happen to this person. You won't know that person's background. And now you need to get all the information and save or stop that person from the crime. Thus along with the technical astonishment of the machine and its creator, there is one more astounding character whose skills will impress you in the process of stopping the crime. And that's John Reese. "A tall guy in a suit." Both of these characters run this series. 

In the series, both of these folks are assumed to be dead by almost the whole world. And still, they do this great work of stopping crimes. In return, they don't expect anything. Harold, who is such a genius to create this machine, John who is playing with his life to save people; both of them prefer to stay away from being observed, being credited. And when I look at the people around, most of them want credits of whatever minute things they do. Probably I also appear the same to others. Who knows? Such characters, however fictitious they may be, they are the real inspirations to me.

Now talking about the creator of the series, Jonathan Nolan; I'm very ordinary person to comment on him. I can just keep wondering "How can someone be so clever to create such extraordinary things?". Each character in this series has something unique in its way. I can see how much effort he must have spent in designing each of them. I have become a great fan of this guy and his equally genius brother Christopher Nolan. Batman Series, The Prestige, Inception and now this series. I'm sure "The Memento" won't be less riveting.


Season 1 = 5 stars