Monday, August 27, 2012

On Travelling

“I beg young people to travel. If you don’t have a passport, get one. Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Saigon, go to Bangkok, go to Kenya. Have your mind blown. Eat interesting food. Dig some interesting people. Have an adventure. Be careful. Come back and you’re going to see your country differently, you’re going to see your president differently, no matter who it is. Music, culture, food, water. Your showers will become shorter. You’re going to get a sense of what globalization looks like. It’s not what Tom Friedman writes about; I’m sorry. You’re going to see that global climate change is very real. And that for some people, their day consists of walking 12 miles for four buckets of water. And so there are lessons that you can’t get out of a book that are waiting for you at the other end of that flight. A lot of people—Americans and Europeans—come back and go, ohhhhh. And the light bulb goes on.”
~Henry Rollins

Courtesy - Renuka Bindu.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just Another Day

As I'm not a kid anymore, I felt this time it'd be just another day... But it wasn't, as usual. Many unexpected surprises, unexpected wishes. But what I had expected didn't happen. So taking resolution from now on - not to expect anything but to get everything. My just another day went well with few more realizations. Thank you all for all those blessings. :)

Friday, August 17, 2012


Everyone has been good to me. Those, with whom my chemistry matched, made me a better person. And those, with whom it didn't, made me stronger.
There is a set of people who I like. There is also a set of people who I can survive with. Unfortunately the intersection of the two is very small. :D
Feeling guilty is not enough; action is important. 
Some people think they are very great just because they can criticize any damn thing!

Monday, August 6, 2012


 ए कुहू, मला ना तू भारी आवडतेस. तुझं एका लग्नाची मधलं character एकदमच मस्त आहे. ते तुझं कविता करणं, इतकं निरागस असणं... असलं तर खूप खूष नाहीतर मग अगदीच रडत बसणं. मला मी शाळा-कॉलेज मध्ये असतानाची आठवण करून देतं. तसं मी अगदी आता-आतापर्यंत अशीच होते. मलाही कविता खूप आवडायच्या. ते असं काव्यात्मक तर मी एकटीच बोलत बसायचे; घरात कुणी नसताना. कितीतरी चारोळ्या तोंडीपाठ केल्या. नंतर या कामाच्या रगाड्यात हे सगळं कधी विसरले कळलंच नाही. पण अजूनही कुठल्याही गाण्यातली एखादी ओळ आवडली की मी ती लक्षात ठेवते.
आजची तुझी ती ओळ - "चंद्राची उशी करून अंधाराची दुलई पांघरून घेते." वाह वाह! काय उपमा आहे, राव! सहीच! सॉलिड वाटलं अगदी.