Saturday, July 30, 2011


वाचन पुन्हा एकदा सुरु झालं. जुनी कवितांची वही बाहेर आली. पूर्वी कविता कधी तोंडीपाठ व्हायच्या ते कळायचं सुद्धा नाही. कंटाळा आला की वही काढायची आणि मोठ्याने कविता वाचायच्या, असा छंदच होता.. चंद्रशेखर गोखल्यांच्या चारोळ्या तर जशा रक्तात मुरलेल्या. पाडगावकरांच्या कवितासुद्धा कितीतरी लक्षात होत्या. त्यावेळी साहित्याचे स्त्रोत फारच मर्यादित होते तरी सुद्धा वही भरलेली असायची. आणि आज अथांग महासागर डोळ्यासमोर असताना सुद्धा वही कोरीच आहे. खरं तर, वही अस्तित्वातच नाहीये. पुरे झालं दुर्लक्ष! आता मात्र लिहायचं.. कितीतरी विषय खूप सुंदर असतात, वाचलेही जातात थोडेफार. पण बुद्धी फार तीक्ष्ण नसल्याने काही मनाच्या कोपऱ्यात विसावतात, काही थांगपत्ता लागू न देता भुरकन उडून जातात. आता मात्र लिखाणास पुन्हा सुरुवात करायची.चला तर मग.. आरंभ करू..
- प्रेरणा मिळाली कालच्या पुण्यातल्या FM वरच्या व्यक्ती आणि अभिव्यक्ती कार्यक्रमातल्या कवी किशोर कदम उर्फ सौमित्र यांच्या बोलण्याने!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Farewells are good sometimes. It was nice to hear, rather know, about myself :) I'm unconventional. I realized it today. :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

health boredom

I'm bored of being sick. First hyper-acidity which brought breathing issues, then weight losing which brought weakness, and now this horrible cold-cough. :( When am I going to get to spend Saturday nights doing interesting things??


So the day is near.. when I'll have to leave my team. I'm not able to believe days went too fast and I completed one and half year here. I'm going to miss everything.. Our lunch talks which were filled with various kinds of discussions, debates right from politics to marriages; planning days which were like brainstorming picnics and of a good break, specially VCs where we passed time playing games, reading something good or doing one or other activity. I'm going to miss some or other thing related to everyone... like.. Saurabh's classes :P, his talks about sunsigns and corresponding natures, his tries to guess the sunsign by just observing the nature of the person, his frankness, Mohsin's Art which contains cartoon drawing, calligraphy, movies, songs, poetries, funny gazals and what not! I'm going to miss how I always made Ankur as a target to crack jokes on and who always took it sportingly, how I convinced Ali to exchange seats, Arvind's teasing and mine with him, Krishna's mischief which was turned on after long silence of months, his typical foreigner's attitude, his talks about France and other countries, Ravi's way of working, his sense of humor, his last praise which was completely surprising; everything... It's difficult to put all the memories in words. Till now, this was the best team. Galileo methodology's weird rules made such a good family here, it's difficult to go away.
But I believe, it's always better to leave a place with good memories than to have to leave it because of bad memories.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

People have a bad habit of overrating me. When they realize my true potential they unnecessarily start underestimating me. I wish I wasn't that attractive by face, by behavior. I would have been more free.