Saturday, May 29, 2010

And this -
my favorite! -

हे भलते अवघड असते
कुणी प्रचंड आवडणारे
ते दूर दूर जाताना
डोळ्यांच्या देखत आणि नाहीसे लांब होताना

lyrics is awesome if you understand it and feel it correctly.

Picturization would have been far better if a girl leaving her friend , both on railway platform, girl inside the train and the boy standing out near the window, girl not aware of her hidden love for him and boy aware of his feelings for her, hence being upset to say her bye and his condition would have been explained as it is clearly done in the lyrics. This is what I had imagined every time I heard the song. It would have justified the lyrics. Fantastic lyrics. I feel very good to know Marathi as I can feel what this guy (Sandip Khare) says in his poems. Fantastic, go on Sandip, go on! आजचा ऑस्कर तुलाच! :)

one more - fantastic!!

आता पुन्हा पाऊस येणार,
मग आकाश काळं-निळं होणार,
मग मातीला गंध फुटणार,
मग मध्येच वीज पडणार,
मग तुझी आठवण येणार.
काय रे देवा!

मग ती आठवण कुणाला दाखवता नाही येणार

मग मी ती लपवणार
मग लपवूनही ती कुणाला तरी कळावं अस वाटणार

मग ते कुणीतरी ओळखणार
मित्र असतील तर ते रडणार, नातेवाईक असतील तर चिडणार
मग नसतंच कळलं तर बरं असं वाटणार

आणि या सगळयाशी तुला काहीच घेणं-देणं नसणार
काय रे देवा!

माझी दोन मनं

त्यातलं एक मन नेहमीच दुसरयाबद्दल बोलतं आणि कुणी एक कवी कसं काय बरं ते मांडतो?

Monday, May 24, 2010

The true realization of something is not when you express it to someone, but when you don’t get to express it to someone. :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Few Quotes

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
-- Benjamin Franklin

I don't care if it works on your machine! We are not shipping your machine!
-- Vidiu Platon

You do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on those who strongly resist change. You only have to help and protect those who want to change, so that they are able to succeed. Put another way, your job is not to plant the entire forest, row by row -- it is to plant clumps of seedlings in hospitable places and to nurture them. As they mature, these trees will spread their seeds, and the forest will eventually cover the fertile land. The rocks, will, of course, remain barren regardless. ... once you have figured out who cannot be converted, you should not waste more time trying to persuade them.
-- David Hutton, The Change Agents' Handbook

Kites? or Runners?

Watched Kites! Fantastic bakwaas!
1) Nobody would understand why they gave it a name – Kites. So Hrithik speaks few dialogues to tell the reason.
2)An ordinary couple runs from here and there while others follow to kill them. But they can’t. All die but the couple. So in the end couple gets bored of people following them and commit suicide.
3)A person jumps from once place in the ocean. His partner jumps from the same place, in the same ocean after few days, but still they meet together. What a love! मान गए! आपकी पारखी नज़र और निरमा सुपर. दोनों को! :P

Both look well though!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

In Eclipse there is a plugin named checkstyle. It is to check whether your code is as per the coding standards. For severe errors it shows yellow mark on error position indicator. And as the severity decreases the darkness of yellow mark also decreases. At some point of time it becomes so faint that you can even miss it. We can ignore them actually as they are not that severe.

One use of such decrease in visibility that I realized –
If you have less time to checkstyle your code, you can put your spectacles aside and start applying checkstyle. :D
Yeah, this is useful only for those who have spectacles. :P