Friday, November 28, 2008

One more Surprise!!

While writing the previous post i was wishing to receive a surprise. Now i am repenting for making such a wish. Invoicing is one of the best team in Amdocs. I worked in it for more than three months, had started to acquire quality knowledge. I was feeling my job immensely interesting. This was what i wanted at this phase of my career. And suddenly i got a call from other project. Today i shifted to that new project. Suddenly all enthusiasm died as somebody had shot my mind. Its not because I'm scared of adopting to the new environment and new tasks. But its because I dont have good impression for the new project. And as far as i have heard from the people working in that project, the work is not challenging there. And whatever work i did today, it doesnt seem to give me an expected growth and improvement. In Invoicing due to the high quality work and due to the great people around me, every time i would feel i have a large scope to learn here. My stack of to-do things was always full.
I can't predict the future now. But i'm sure it won't be as good as it was. Thle whole thing is changed. 
Anyway, I just need to get out of this depression as early as possible. So that i can start with new fighting attitude and add more and more items in my stack. The only thing i can do is hoping for the best, which i always do. But seemingly best things are not best always. Its just we set our mind to feel them good as we dont want to stay in depressing situation for long time. I would pray God to grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.