Tuesday, July 27, 2010

refreshing myself...

Since long, I didn’t write any post. I read/did some good stuff, but somehow I could not manage to write things over here. Some of them were –

1) Difference between the lonely state and alone state that I read in TOI’s “The speaking tree” section. (I have a separate post on it, I might post it).

2) I’m reading Anne Frank’s diary in which she has written few good things. I appreciate the clarity of thoughts that she could have at the age of 13. I also started writing diary at around the same age. But I think what I wrote was just about the wishes, my dreams. I think one gets the clarity of thoughts going on his mind if he reads a lot. More you read, more does your vocabulary increase and of course knowledge removes the darkness.

3) I watched Inception. Fantastic movie. Watched a good movie after very long time. It will increase one’s power of concentration. ;)

4) (This I don’t call a good stuff) I tried so many medicines for my cough, and not even a single medicine has worked. Instead, I get a feeling of being in non-alert state. Particularly in the night, I feel like a perfect drunken. :D

I’ll stop here now; otherwise even this post will remain a half written draft which has 99.9626849% probability of getting forgotten by me. :D

P.S. Please don’t comment suggesting me the names of medicines for cough unless you are 100% sure it has worked on a person who has no in built immunity power for cough. :D But I’m also ready to give noble prize to the person who will cure my cough in rains. :D

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